have they, oh poor Ria, shame because there were others that would have done it!!! nevermind, look forward to seeing yours too! Am out at a course all day on Saturday so will check in after 5pmxx
I went out for pizza last night with friends, only had half of mine and felt full, and worked out from the calories of the whole thing that I ate no more than 300 calories. Not bad at all, I think I actually ate less calories than normal yesterday
Hi everyone... sorry I have been AWOL!!! I was doing so well.. then I decided I didn't need to go to group weigh in anymore.. but it turns out that I do! I put on (so sorry guys!) I took part in a challenge last month to jog 100 miles in June. I started eating lots of carbs.. oh well.. I went back to group this evening!
It's fine, there is no need to be sorry! we all do it! we are talking about seeing if anyone wants to do this again in July if any of you are interested (you can change teams if you want ;-) )
Did my final weigh-in this morning - 17.2! That's -11 pounds for the challenge!
I'm delighted with 11 pounds, I think I said at the start that there's no way I would manage to lose 10 pounds over the month . (I'm not updating my signature as today isn't an 'official' weigh-in day for me).
I'm happy to join in for July, though I'm away on an all-inclusive holiday for a week, so you may not want me :8855:
Just lost another 1lb this morning: just in time! I've lost track of how much I've lost overall, but we've been a great team. I'm up for doing it again for July if anyone else is