Just got through my 5th day in a row keeping to the food plan, could be a record for me!! Went jogging this afternoon, then did some slimming world recipe cooking, off hiking tomorrow.
Well done on keeping to the plan for 5 days straight

It can be hard sometimes, so well done!

What did you cook? Anything we could copy?

You lead such an active life Polyanna. I'm sure jogging would just about kill me

Good luck for your 6th day
My Achilles is on the mend. Lots of ice, rest, stretching, gentle walking, rinse and repeat. Thanks for asking!
Glad hercules is on the mend V4L

Ice?? Mmmmm to early for a vodke to go with that ice? :8855:
The reason was take our minds of a court case tomorro... I'm very open about it. Mums man beat her up but also my bro n I told our stories of our childhood so it was two cases really... But as we came out the last shop today I got a phone call! It's cancelled AGAIN. It's not fare, we just want to get it done n put it behind us :-( pain in bum. I'm hopeing we get a call to say he pleaded guilty today! Who no's. my poor OH has now got a day off tht we coulda used as a long weekend x not even 24hrs notice! Piss take. Sorry to spill I think I needed tht! X just pissed off. Brighter side is I get to take my girlies to my mummy group for photos

hope my 3yr old (sophie) wakes up in a better mood! She was a wee ***** today! 5yr old was an angel (grace)!
That sounds an awful ordeal for you and your family to go through MS

Some men make my flipping blood boil!! Hope it all gets sorted out to your advantage very soon x
How did the group photos go?
I weighed myself on the wii! Im halfway through the week pretty much- Thursday is wi. According to wii Im down 3.5lbs! This is where you all come and tell me theres a huge difference between wii scales and sw scales
There could be a difference, but then again they could be the same. I'm a firm believer in only getting weighed once a week and on the same scales. Dodgy mid weeks peeks really can mess with your motivation etc. Good luck for Thursday
Actually mine are a 1lb out. But my weighing scales aren't digital so they may be the same. Try not to do this to yourself though as weights do fluctuate and some weeks you may show a gain. It can mess with your head and knock you off track. Hope the weight stays the same!
Noooo I meant to toast the bambino's head! OR should that be wet the bambino's head?! :8855:and no, I haven't been drinking myself
Totally agree V4L! ...............although, not with the toasting of a head

HI All!
Don't really say much other than give my update. I'm in a different time zone so when you are all active I'm in the land of nod.
Anyway good luck Tuesday Weighers!
What is the time difference Sammy? Bet you've got nicer weather than us though! lol Are you from the UK originally? No more questions for now

Hope your week is going well x
Good morning everyone and good luck to our hoards of Tuesday weighers!! Go girls!!
Well I've been up since 5am

I had to laugh - I was dreaming I was in the bathroom having a pee (sorry tmi

) - I was still in bed

Woke up just in time to stop myself from peeing in my bed and run to the bathroom! :8855: So as I was up and about early, and the fact that Mr Weatherman has promised me a nice sunny day, I put some washing in so I can peg it out before work :innocent0002: Work lunch/snacks were done last night, and tonights dinner (sweet and sour chicken) is already made

Easy morning and evening for me.........lovely
Have a lovely day everyone and enjoy the sun if you're not stuck indoors all day like me
