Right ladies, sorry have turned in to such a lurker. The house we hoped to get has fallen through because apparently the landlady wanted to move someone she knew already in or so b*llocks! To say I'm annoyed is an understatement. We've been so busy ebaying lots of our things to raise money for the move (including my beautiful kitchenaid and Andy's Xbox!!!!) the least the god's could do is grant us some luck finding somewhere for our little family to live!
Have also been so OFF plan the last few days... combination of having really limited food in, stressing about all sorts and just getting into the wrong mindset. But I'm drawing a big fat line under my big fat ass_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (needs to be a big line for the aforementioned big fat ass)
Am trying to sort out a tesco's shop and although I don't think I will be in for a loss this week I am going to try and do as much as I can until Wednesday to prevent it being too awful!
Hope everyone is having a good Sunday and hope all you ladies reading 50 shades are enjoying it... Mr Grey is mine ladies... so don't get any ideas lol
Awwww Ellen, that's such a shame

I'm a big believer in the fact that things happen (or don't!) for a reason. Fate has something better in store for you, just you wait and see
Hands off Mr Grey, your OH wouldn't be very happy, so he's mine thanks

I'm part way through the second book btw. Thoroughly enjoying it too!
And she's back

that 2lb will be gone and then some next week with that attitude

Yup, that's the plan Jo
I want that 2lb gone and 2 more besides
Look at you and your soberness corks how does it feel??? Lol. Ya mantra sounds pretty good to me in fact I've just adopted it and you know what If anybody asks I'm telling them i came up with it

enjoy ya decluttering another quiet one for me today for a change! X
It feels ok Jo

Not a feeling I can see myself becoming used to mind, but ok all the same

LOL You can borrow my mantra anytime

But claiming it as your own is just downright cheeky! :8855::8855:
I'm still here gang!!! Been poorly with throat infection, on antibiotics and eating crap!!!!!
Anyway my sis is back from her hols and is going to join me on SW - so don't groan.........but starting yet again tomorrow!!!
Will this be the SW record for restarting?? Am sure the web site will be sick of me!! SW on-line is perhaps not the best option and guess that's where weighing in at a club weekly is so much better but please wish me luck again team thanks for putting up with me xxxxxxxxxxxx
I was wondering where you had gotten to!

Dex there's no limits to the amount of restarts a person has, nothing to be embarrassed about and SW online are your staff! You pay their wages, so pee them off all you want! lol The most important thing is that you keep on trying - you will get there
Good that you will have your sister doing it with you too, it's nice to have spme 'real life' support

I don't go to class either Dex, and if I can do it without the weekly group, then so can you
We're always here for you. Good luck xx