:sigh: ive had a good week, tracked everything tht touched my lips! Im left with 4.5 since for tomorro which is finei dont really syn on a tuesday before weighin, just angry with myself. Gave in to my star week n had HALF

A stone bake garlic pizza with cheese

. BUT at least itbwas in my syn allowence. I did manage to get my big bum out to the gym. Burnt 420 cal (not much but a great session) it covered the cals in my pizza so i suppose..... Hmmm!
Lovely hot shower and wee pamper when i got home. Cleaned the flippin kitchen since my OH sat onnhis big bum! Cooking my chicken for SW taster night and steal a bit for my salad tomorro! Got my daughters trip to the beach! I plan for her to chase me lol burn a few more cals! Should b a good day rain or shine! The 6 weeks school holidays ..... Nightmare! Lol
A nice feeling tho.... My jammas are falling off me! Haha
Without minimins n this thread i dunno if id of got this far ladies. So big hugs and thankies to u.... Even just coming on for a banter! X bloody emothional reck on star week hahaha! X
LOL! Your jammas, might give hubby the wrong idea - be careful esp if Mr Grey is around
I totally agree with you, I couldn't get on minimins for two weeks and I lost a grand total of 1lb in 14 days I just can't stay focused or motivated without you guys so...THANK YOU TINSELS!!
Hi ladies, had my first weigh in today and start weight is 15 stone 8 pounds :-( I knew it anyway as it's what I've been the last two years give or take a pound or two. Hoping to get into the 14's asap as that's always the hardest not for me, getting from the 15's to the 14's. Having a hard time understanding how EE can work for me as it's how my partner and I always eat and like I said I've just maintained for the past 2 years (apart from when I was pregnant, but I lost all my pregnancy weight within a week of giving birth) so think I'm going to stick to the green days, I can always use my HEB if I want some meat with my evening meal, plus I have to have extra HE's with the breastfeeding.
Well done to those who've lost, some great numbers! Can't wait till I can hopefully start posting numbers like that!
Donna, don't know if they will do it where you live, but the red cross hire out wheelchairs really cheaply to those who need them, my mum snapped her Achilles tendon and she happened to get a call from them after a donation and when she told them what she'd done they told her about the service and she didn't even have to set up the donation as she couldn't afford at the time! So that may be something for you to look into, hope it helps. X
Thanks Sammy - so many people recommended the Red Cross - but lucky my uncle had one (he had was really ill a few years ago and nearly died) and he was bought a wheelchair by his neighbours - thankfully he made a full recovery, I don't want to let Megan get too used to being wheeled about so I've yet to use it
Good luck for your first week, this is the best thread on minimins (in my opinion) the support and encouragement is work a million SW classes. We are all nutcases and enjoy a bit of banter, so welcome welcome welcome
I lost my pregnancy weight straight after both my babies - unfortunately I gained twice the amount during my maternity leave
I do Extra Easy - I find that pasta (sadly) doesn't agree with me
Anyway good luck and looking forward to being part of your Slimming World SUCCESS Journey xxx
Just got back from WI and just 1 off I wasn't expecting much as my scales at home hasn't moved all week. I am disappointed tho as I have had a 100% week again. All I can think is with still being off work and mot moving much its effecting my loss

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Jo - WELL DONE - a 1lb is a pound at the end of the day - all in the right direction, you will probably find a good loss next week, this time last week you were a WHOLE pound heavier - so pat yourself on the back and gear up for another 100% week xxx
Bloody periods....well i dont bleed but i bloat like a beast! Only lost 2lb after a 100% week so not too pleased but imdid get my 2st award and lost 10lb in total this month. Suppose i should b happy. So no im gonna go have a cuppa n not one BUT 2 strips of chocolate. Start a fresh tomorro. Gonna try push two gym sessions this week. Just cant afford it really. Government wants to lower obesity but does do anythinig to help us, but yet ur junkies get their fix o meth....grrrrr just in a right ranty mood me thinks. Good luck to everyone still to weigh. Xxx
That's a fantastic loss MummyS, well done - and congrats on your 2st award - 10 lb over a month - well done that's amazing!!!
Well done Jo. Don't be sad, that's still a fab loss xx
"The Men who made us Fat" on BBC2, Thursday I think it was. The government's in bed with the food and beverage agency. They commissioned a study into the causes of childhood obesity and one of the main findings laid the blame squarely with advertising. When this was presented to the Health secretary she'd said that she thought the food and beverage industry would be really interested in the findings and would he meet with them. He did, and they harangued him for four solid hours, trying to disprove what he'd shown as scientific fact. Needless to say, the report was never published or made available to the public.
BBC iPlayer - Search :The Men Who Made Us Fat
Still available on iPlayer for anyone who's interested.
My stepdad was telling me about this - he is also following Slimming World (although we go to different classes) so its on my "To watch" list
Nice work Dex, Lisa and Tina! Awesome. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone? Jo, don't be too sad I have had two weeks STS but I know I have lost inches as I am getting through old clothes in different sizes like no tomorrow. Try some of your gear on or take your measurements.

Sorry to everyone struggling this week, stick with it guys it's a blip and you KNOW you will come through it. IDK what's happened to Corks can anyone contact her other than on here? I know that Emms is her friend but I haven't seen her on here either. Hope everyone is OK though.

I lost 5lb this week. Which brings me to 2 1/2 stone. 1 1/2 since starting minimins and joining this thread. I am glad the scales caught up with me and that I stuck with it. Anyone seen/heard from PP? I know she weighs in on a Tuesday too.

Good Luck for tomorrow guys!

We can do this! x
YOU LITTLE STAR - what a fantastic loss!!! and so deserved
Not heard from Corky but missing her...
Purple Patsy ... is struggling at the mo - she does reply to messages on her food diary if you want to leave her a message
Not going to be around much this week ladies - I am the only Coordinator in my area due to sickness and holiday so have been asked to work the rest of the week...didn't really want to but its extra pennies in the holiday spends plus it will earn me a few brownies points
Got to be in work at 8 this morning as Megan's cast has broken so I have to take her to the plaster room for nine for a new one...oh the joy of being a parent lol
Made an amazing dinner last night, one of my chuck it in the slow cooker and hope for the best...Chicken & Chorizo casserole, I think best names it was so good!!! and practically syn free (think 2 syns for chorizo)
Good luck to all the Weds weighers, catch up later, donnaxxxx