Ooop I appear to forgotten to watch any of it. Actually read the listed artists and thought
is there something I can paint so I can watch it dry. 
Somehow repeats of CSI and NCIS (Mark Harmon YUMM) managed to hold my attention till The Walking Dead came on.
Oh no they weren't on the list I read. I've missed out now. :cry:
Maybe I should have watched it sounds like I missed a treat. :cry:
Hope everyone is having a good day.
:8855: your paint drying comment really made me chuckle PP! LOL If only I had thought of that instead of wasting hours of my life watching it! LOL
I don't think you missed anything PP, but I'm sure you can catch it all on repeat somewhere...............when you've run out of things to paint! LOL
Hellooooo - am back, thanks for your message Corky xx
Guess what ......... That is my line drawn and I am restarting today at a shocking 14 st 4 lbs (not so shocking when my start weight in December was just over 16 st!!) but I just lost my focus and have had a horrendously boozy and gutsy weekend (was good though

) - I blame the Queen hahaha.
Is it only me who loved the jubilee concert?? It helped being as drunk as a skunk and blasting the volume through surround sound - sure whole village must have heard it!
Anyway back to plan and quite having HM SW meal of sticky turkey with orange served with broccoli adapted from this month's SW mag. Have vowed to give up alcohol until my holiday - 51 days away! The booze sabotages my resolve so it's got to go and if I don't lose a stone my size 16 shorts won't fit and I am not buying more size 18's so wish me luck with this gang!
Sorry for losing the plot - anyone else restarted??
Corks, please will you reset my figures ........ Now weighing in on Tuesdays and still going for the 4 stone challenge xxxxxxx
Have a great day and week team tinsel
Ahhhhhh I think I know where I went wrong now!! I wasn't drunk enough to appreciate the concert! :8855: *writes note to self - must drink more* :giggle: Ahhhh if only that was possible

Lovely to see you back Dex

It felt sooooo wrong PMing you - I felt like a member of the gestapo brandishing a SW stick! lol Glad I did now though because you're back

Nice line you have drawn too! It makes me wish I had done some line drawing last time I lost weight, instead of continuing my lifelong habit of gaining the whole lot back and having to start again! lol So a big, mahoosive well done to you, for coming back and restarting with renewed enthusiasm
You can do this Dex, we all can

Why can we do it?? Because we can do anything we set our minds to
Consider your stats and your WI day reset my lovely

Welcome back and good luck! Let operation Florida commence!
Nice line! It's safe to say that you wouldn't have been te only one having too much to drink this weekend - I for one have tried to make extra effort with food in order to make up for my boozing lol we do still have to live though - a maintain will suit me fine tomorrow to be honest - I know I can lose on this plan and you obviously can too and have done so well already - welcome back and good luck!
Safe as houses I'd say Ems. I for one am as guilty as the proverbial sinner of over indulgence in the boozy variety this weekend

My usual 'one' boozy night quite mysteriously (I'm calling in the detectives as I type! lol) morphed into 3!! :8855: Old Lizzy has alot to answer for

I'm not even a great fan of Royalty (loves Wills and Harry though) and padgentry per say, with me it's just any excuse to crack open a bottle and celebrate an extra day off work! :8855:
Well done for making wise food choices to minimise the damage Ems. I've done the same :innocent0002: but due to the volume of liquid consumed, I'm looking at a STS next WI.................if I'm lucky :fingerscrossed: BUT, like you said, and like I'm always pointing out to others, we have to live and enjoy our lives
Welcome back DM. You're not alone in going off plan this weekend, I think there's a lot of it about.
Yup, it could even be an epidemic! :8855: