**TEAM TINSEL** 4 stone for Christmas

I think upping your water slowly is a good way to do it and unless there is something wrong with your electrolytes, perfectly safe. (but I'm not a doctor, medical disclaimer ;)) If I think about it most 'diets' say 6-8 glasses a day don't they? But I know that's not going off an individuals weight or if they exercise so I would have extra for sure if you exercise. We can do this laydeez. I thought that Corks was spotted with a blowtorch too? Perhaps seeing the Olympic flame was just too much for her after all....hmmm zip ties, 50 shades and a blowtorch wowzers. Mr Corks we expect an update ;) No picnic weather here at all.
Hi ladies! It was my son's christening today, so had to face the dreadful buffet. Luckily it was what we made ourelves so I was able to stick to some healthy options and not go too nuts. I had the tiniest slither of death by chocolate tart and a very thin piece of christening cake, two cocktail sausages and 2 bitesize sausage rolls, so i'm estimating those at around 25 syns, but I saved 10 syns yesterday so hoping it will still be ok. If not then there's always next week, but my son is only getting christened once so I didn't stress too much about it.

It's my first weigh in tomorrow evening! I don't really feel like i've lost any weight, but we will wait and see I guess! Will let you know how weigh in goes tomorrow x
Hello lovely people,

OMG can i pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee join this! I want to aim at losing easy 1 1/2 stone by xmas! Im praying i can anyway! Im starting tomoz aghhhhhhh dreading it i lost 2 stone last time i did this so i have faith just need get in the zone and stop eating pure crap! :) x x x:48:
Here's my weird lasagne. Was actually yum, had to stop myself from having seconds (as you can see the first portion was rather large ;))

Spicy bean lasagne 1.jpgSpicy bean lasagne 2.jpg

Managed 3 litres of squash & 3 cups of green tea today so should be enough water there. Have just had to down a glass of water to get rid of hiccups so that'll be me up piddling through the night :rolleyes:

Here's to a great week for everyone. Good luck for tomorrow Sam, I'm sure you'll be just fine. xx

Welcome Shelly. With the great support of the fab gals in this group I'm sure you'll get your 1 1/2 stone by christmas. xx
sammyb1985 said:
Hi ladies! It was my son's christening today, so had to face the dreadful buffet. Luckily it was what we made ourelves so I was able to stick to some healthy options and not go too nuts. I had the tiniest slither of death by chocolate tart and a very thin piece of christening cake, two cocktail sausages and 2 bitesize sausage rolls, so i'm estimating those at around 25 syns, but I saved 10 syns yesterday so hoping it will still be ok. If not then there's always next week, but my son is only getting christened once so I didn't stress too much about it.

It's my first weigh in tomorrow evening! I don't really feel like i've lost any weight, but we will wait and see I guess! Will let you know how weigh in goes tomorrow x

I remember following the plan to the letter on my first week and crapping my pants at weigh in wondering how I'm earth I could lose anything eating all the nice foods that I had! I lost 8lbs!!
Okay so I did weigh 20stone back then but still! My second week I lost 5 so it really does work!
On the flip side a few friends lost only 1lb but the second week they got a bigger loss so don't be upset if you don't see a huge loss - it will come! :) good luck!
Andrea81 said:
Here's my weird lasagne. Was actually yum, had to stop myself from having seconds (as you can see the first portion was rather large ;))

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54942"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54943"/>

Managed 3 litres of squash & 3 cups of green tea today so should be enough water there. Have just had to down a glass of water to get rid of hiccups so that'll be me up piddling through the night :rolleyes:

Here's to a great week for everyone. Good luck for tomorrow Sam, I'm sure you'll be just fine. xx

Welcome Shelly. With the great support of the fab gals in this group I'm sure you'll get your 1 1/2 stone by christmas. xx

Wow that looks nicer than it sounds lol! I might have a go at the weekend! I miss lasagne! A lot! You can usually make any meal SW friendly, curry, chilli etc but never thought to try this!
Shelly Star x x said:
Hello lovely people,

OMG can i pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee join this! I want to aim at losing easy 1 1/2 stone by xmas! Im praying i can anyway! Im starting tomoz aghhhhhhh dreading it i lost 2 stone last time i did this so i have faith just need get in the zone and stop eating pure crap! :) x x x:48:

Welcome! Our host is a little busy recently but I'll drag her back here soon as she's less busy and she will add you to the list! What day do you weigh?

Good luck!
Thanks ladies! I forgot to mention that we had baked bean lasagne yesterday too! We just substituted spinach instead of peppers as we didn't have any and it was YUMMY! :eek:) xx
Wow that looks so nice its one of my fav meals eva that! I want make cottage pie tomoz just looking now for a recipe x x
Emmey1 said:
Welcome! Our host is a little busy recently but I'll drag her back here soon as she's less busy and she will add you to the list! What day do you weigh?

Good luck!

Monday chick im starting tomoz, well now haha went n got all my goodies today! Im a bit excited get motivated ha!

Thank u. X x
Try something different not weird lol!
Ems - I thought the same but it really is delicious! (and I believe that baked beans only belong with breakfast or on toast!)

Total water intake today 3pints with one right by my side now

Different meal I'll be trying this week is either the chicken and chorizo casserole posted here or I might try my own invention of tagateli pasta cooked in a sauce of garlic onions peppers and extra light Philly ..... We shall see - ill keep you posted!
Well done = I drank 4 cups of boiling water and lemon, 3x 1l bottles of water, 3 cups of tea and one little can of NAS Cream Soda

an umbrella or house to hide behind? ;) where are you with the picnic weather?
VFL the weather has been gorgeous here in Essex...move closer

Hi ladies
How are we all? Just catching up as I was AWOL yesterday. I'm glad you cleared up the water thingy-ma-Bob as I did the water calculator don't think I could have drank 4 litres a day :) I brought myself a new water bottle yesterday whilst out shopping for me to take to work make sure I'm drinking all day it looks like this (don't laugh :) )

View attachment 54833

I know I know I'm so darn cool ;)

That baked bean lasagna sounds strangely quite yummy I may have to try it too.

Hope u enjoy ya picnic Donna, the weathers looking a bit precarious here, was sunny when I got up but not so much anymore :(

As for corks I hope somebody saves her from a life of kinky you know whatery soon, well that's if she wants saving of course!

Talking of which I woke up after having a dream about an ex this morning I believe to be a little mr grey related however it had not gone too far thank god ;) was more the romantic part of the story related! Still a little awkward tho huh! Then I went on fb and whose face do I see on there first?! :0 Anyhows that's set my day up to a weird start!

Happy Sunday all x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Oh my lord Jo you are too cool for skool!!! Whatever next a One Direction lunch box???

Oh perhaps you should get in touch - send him a grey tie and a bag of cable ties ... he will soon come running!

I think upping your water slowly is a good way to do it and unless there is something wrong with your electrolytes, perfectly safe. (but I'm not a doctor, medical disclaimer ;)) If I think about it most 'diets' say 6-8 glasses a day don't they? But I know that's not going off an individuals weight or if they exercise so I would have extra for sure if you exercise. We can do this laydeez. I thought that Corks was spotted with a blowtorch too? Perhaps seeing the Olympic flame was just too much for her after all....hmmm zip ties, 50 shades and a blowtorch wowzers. Mr Corks we expect an update ;) No picnic weather here at all.
I must admit all this water and I feel like I am about to burst, my tummy is so swollen

LOL! Olympic torch is due here on Friday - I will look out for the mad woman and grab her if she runs past

Hi ladies! It was my son's christening today, so had to face the dreadful buffet. Luckily it was what we made ourelves so I was able to stick to some healthy options and not go too nuts. I had the tiniest slither of death by chocolate tart and a very thin piece of christening cake, two cocktail sausages and 2 bitesize sausage rolls, so i'm estimating those at around 25 syns, but I saved 10 syns yesterday so hoping it will still be ok. If not then there's always next week, but my son is only getting christened once so I didn't stress too much about it.

It's my first weigh in tomorrow evening! I don't really feel like i've lost any weight, but we will wait and see I guess! Will let you know how weigh in goes tomorrow x
Hi Sammy - don't get stressed about your weigh in, I felt the same and lost 7lbs on my first week whereas my friend felt like she'd lost loads and had only lost 0.5lbs - but as Ems says, fat has a mind of its own - by the end of week 4 - we had both lost similar amounts

Good luck for tomorrow and well done on being so good at your son's christening x

Hello lovely people,

OMG can i pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee join this! I want to aim at losing easy 1 1/2 stone by xmas! Im praying i can anyway! Im starting tomoz aghhhhhhh dreading it i lost 2 stone last time i did this so i have faith just need get in the zone and stop eating pure crap! :) x x x:48:
Welcome Shelly Star - no need to ask just jump right in - we are all mad in here, don't be shy, we are really friendly and my lovely friends in this group are so motivational and inspirational...you'll fit right in x

Good luck for tomorrow, we'll all be here cheering you on for your first week and second and third and fourth ...

Here's my weird lasagne. Was actually yum, had to stop myself from having seconds (as you can see the first portion was rather large ;))

View attachment 54942View attachment 54943

Managed 3 litres of squash & 3 cups of green tea today so should be enough water there. Have just had to down a glass of water to get rid of hiccups so that'll be me up piddling through the night :rolleyes:

Here's to a great week for everyone. Good luck for tomorrow Sam, I'm sure you'll be just fine. xx

Welcome Shelly. With the great support of the fab gals in this group I'm sure you'll get your 1 1/2 stone by christmas. xx
Oh my Andrea - that looks so good - its really delicious isn't it - it sounds so wrong on paper and yet its scrummy... got my belly rumbling now

Wow that looks nicer than it sounds lol! I might have a go at the weekend! I miss lasagne! A lot! You can usually make any meal SW friendly, curry, chilli etc but never thought to try this!
Ems honestly its lovely

Thanks ladies! I forgot to mention that we had baked bean lasagne yesterday too! We just substituted spinach instead of peppers as we didn't have any and it was YUMMY! :eek:) xx
Oh that's a good idea, I love spinach

Wow that looks so nice its one of my fav meals eva that! I want make cottage pie tomoz just looking now for a recipe x x
Shelly Star - if you look on my diary I have converted the Hairy Bikers Cottage Pie recipe its scrumptious!
Welcome Shelly! Andrea bet you burned off the lasagna with your bike ride hon, even if you did the bike ride pre lasagna same difference - in the book of Nik anyway! ;) Good luck for your first weigh in Sammyb! xox
Well hellllo more water babies! peeing for England r us.com :giggle: Nice work laydeez! xox
Welcome Shelly! Andrea bet you burned off the lasagna with your bike ride hon, even if you did the bike ride pre lasagna same difference - in the book of Nik anyway! ;) Good luck for your first weigh in Sammyb! xox
Well hellllo more water babies! peeing for England r us.com :giggle: Nice work laydeez! xox

I am changing my name tomorrow to THE COLANDER!

Maybe we should rename the thread "Team Piddlers"
I would like to say it gets easier.....'it gets easier'....................but although I said it ;) I would be lying! :8855:diving into bushes is the only way to get through it when out with dogs too :eek: Mind you not having any for about an hour beforehand does help, a tad..... ;) and if you need to take any with you, well.....you can make up a new dance move to get you home :eek:
I would like to say it gets easier.....'it gets easier'....................but although I said it ;) I would be lying! :8855:diving into bushes is the only way to get through it when out with dogs too :eek: Mind you not having any for about an hour beforehand does help, a tad..... ;) and if you need to take any with you, well.....you can make up a new dance move to get you home :eek:
Would it be acceptable to dive into the bushes if you had no dogs to walk???