'Team Two' aka "FFF" December challenge x

last weigh in for the year and I was so pleased to have lost 1.5lb over Christmas - not sure how mind you!!
Team FFF players December

Taz +3lb -3lb Missed WI-0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Rainbow -2.5lb +1lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 1.5lb
Wicked Witch -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
United Trekkie -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Charisma -0.5lb -1.5lb -0lb +1lb -0lb total loss 1lb
Zenabob2105 Missed WI -2lb -1lb -0lb -0lb total loss 3lb
Annie68 -2lb -1lb -3lb -1.5lb -0lb total loss 7.5lb
El Nino Missed WI Missed WI +3.5lb -1.5lb -0lb total loss +2lb
Caramumofmany -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Pipz -1lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 1lb
Nikci28 -10lb -4lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 14lb
Tinkerbellsmum +1lb -1lb -3lb -0lb -0lb total loss 3lb

Total loss week one 16lb
Total loss week two 12.5lb
Total loss week three 7lb
Total loss week four 3lb
Total loss week five 0lb

Total loss 38.5lb so far!
Total loss since June 279lb
I didn't get to add my last weight loss of 2008.

3 and a half pounds off on the WI between Christmas and New Year :D
Team FFF players December

Taz +3lb -3lb Missed WI-0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Rainbow -2.5lb +1lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 1.5lb
Wicked Witch -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
United Trekkie -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Charisma -0.5lb -1.5lb -0lb +1lb -0lb total loss 1lb
Zenabob2105 Missed WI -2lb -1lb -0lb -0lb total loss 3lb
Annie68 -2lb -1lb -3lb -1.5lb -3.5lb total loss 11lb
El Nino Missed WI Missed WI +3.5lb -1.5lb -0lb total loss +2lb
Caramumofmany -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 0lb
Pipz -1lb -0lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 1lb
Nikci28 -10lb -4lb -0lb -0lb -0lb total loss 14lb
Tinkerbellsmum +1lb -1lb -3lb -0lb -0lb total loss 3lb

Total loss week one 16lb
Total loss week two 12.5lb
Total loss week three 7lb
Total loss week four 6.5lb
Total loss week five 0lb

Total loss 42lb so far!
Total loss since June 282.5lb
June - December 2008

Team FFF lost a grand total of


Well done everyone, lets see if we can double this in 2009

:banana dancer::party0019::banana dancer:​
wow! That's some weight loss. Good going folks. Here's too less of us in 2009!!