Well another LT week nearly done. So busy with this conference I hardly have time to breathe. We've now got a lot of media interest which is fantastic, just need to get all the tickets sold now
Have somehow survived the LT vanilla onslaught this week. I hope they've got chocolate back in the pharmacy for me tomorrow when I go to weigh in. I'm nearly half way through my journey now and my next mini goal is 90kgs. I can't remember being under 90 kgs (200lbs) in my adult life, so anything from here is uncharted territory. My other half commented when we went out lastnight that my shape was changing nicely

. Skin is getting saggy though. I'm trying not to look at myself in the mirror without clothes on and trying to remember that it's only me that sees my saggy bits and clothing covers up awkward bits. I also have to remember that I've been so overweight for most of my life that my skin doesn't remember any other options. I'm hoping to have lost another stone in the next month before the conference and hopefully edging towards a size 18