hey hon. sorry i didnt respond to that but im single at the moment and in fairness my last boyfriend ate healthier than i did...
But..... When he gets motivated and goes to gym or eats well for a day or two... does he ever say why he doesnt keep goin? in fairness, it is hard to get into the way of eating well and dieting. Im finding it hard to get rid of cravings again (they come back so quickly) so unfortunately unless he wants to do it you'll find it hard to get him there bcos he needs to
want to ignore the cravings.
You could certainly say that you would like some support and that him choosing the worst thing on menu doesnt help you and getting chocolate after a meal doesnt help you and see what he says. It may just get him thinking about the choices hes making with snacks and choices in meals out.
Again were so used to this (not saying were experts), that maybe he needs a subtle nudge to choosing healthier options without feeling he has to live on salads.
He may think that its all boring food, salad, fruit, veg (though he prob doesnt if hes looking at your days), and men freak out at the thought of this. If he did go down the line of following WW he would be on high points and would still be able to eat loads...
So... would he walk with you? or do some other activity together (not that!!

) - hikin, sport that he would enjoy.
Does he cook with you-if he saw what he could have and how easy it is then maybe hed get into it..... And a healthy meal-you could have 1/3 and hed have 2/3 and feel like hes still eating more.....
And then maybe ye could get some nice healthier sweet treat / cake recipes and make them. and maybe have low pp crisps and popcorn in the house also. Have them in the house and he may choose them rather than goin to shop...
I also do feel that you should let your family know that its not your responsibility to change his diet. It may be putting more pressure on you which you dont need. Im sure they mean well but still......