Hello everyone, hope you're well. I'm feeling a tiny bit better health-wise, although my throat is still feeling like I swallowed razor blades, and my ear is completely blocked. Damn cold!!
Well, I am at work at the moment. My manager called me in this evening when I arrived and told me that our department will be closing as of the end of April. It's come as a bit of a shock, to say the least, and I feel a bit numb at the moment. So, who knows what the end of April will hold... I am going to start keeping an eye out for other jobs within my company to see if I can maybe transfer or something like that. Who knows.
As it happens, food is the furthest thing from my mind at the moment. I just feel a bit sick, really. I've had my choc mint shake this morning before I went to bed and I've had a bit of chicken when I woke up. I've had my Strawberry Tetra a little while ago, so I'm on track with that at least. I've already drunk one cup of coffee and a litre of water.
I'll chat to you all later, I guess...