Tess' Cambridge Diet Journey to a healthy me

Hello! Just an update. I'm feeling much better this morning and seem to have my appetite back. I didn't do too well with water yesterday, but I intend to make up for it today. I've already had my strawberry tetra. I'm planning on having Veg soup for lunch, an omelette or chicken and salad for tea, and my choc mint shake before bed. All planned out!:D
The duvet day with my daughter yesterday was definitely what we needed. We just watched tv and dozed off throughout the day. My little girl was sick overnight though, so I'm having to wash all the duvets and bedding today! Yuk! That's enough to put me off eating. LOL. Anyway, planning another day of rest today and staying warm. Off to take my meds now.
Have a good day. Catch up soon. x
Hi everyone, back at work this morning, and I'm glad to report that I'm feeling much better. I was slightly off plan yesterday, but I'm back on it 100% today. I've been given a couple of dates that are going to be a bit tricky CD-wise. I've got my friend's birthday do at Frankie&Benny's on the 13th of March :eek:; then I'm going to my work colleague's wedding on the 19th of March, and I'm also going to my friends' hen party on the 28th of May, followed by her wedding on the 11th of June (by which time I'm hoping to be near goal! :eek:). It's going to be tricky, but I'm sure I'll manage.
Anyway, enough of the rambling. I'm on my first cup of coffee for the morning. The menu for today is:

Strawberry Tetra

Chicken and salad

Veg Soup

Before bed:
Hot Choc mint shake

Will catch up later. :) x
I'm sure you will be able to get through all those dates without any trouble, and when you go, you might out on a pound it two, but at least it will come off as quick as it went on...

Good luck today... we are Ss+ing together... we can do it!
I'm sure you will be able to get through all those dates without any trouble, and when you go, you might out on a pound it two, but at least it will come off as quick as it went on...

Good luck today... we are Ss+ing together... we can do it!

Hi Kes, nice to hear from you. Yes, that's the good thing about this diet. You can lose the weight as quickly as you put it on. :) Good luck with SS+ today. Will chat to you soon. x
Hi Tess glad to hear you are feeling better! You will be fine on those dates, just make the right choices :) I've had loads of time off CD since I started and each time I didn't gain anything and even if you do it will only be a pound or two of water weight and you'll have a good loss the next week!
Hi Tess glad to hear you are feeling better! You will be fine on those dates, just make the right choices :) I've had loads of time off CD since I started and each time I didn't gain anything and even if you do it will only be a pound or two of water weight and you'll have a good loss the next week!

Hi Felix, nice to hear from you! :D Thanks for that. I've been having a look at Frankie & Benny's menu and there aren't many CD friendly dishes! Even the salads are quite scary! LOL. I'm definitely going to ask them for plain chicken salad with a balsamic dressing instead. Trust me to be awkward, hey! LOL.
How are you getting on? Will go and check out your diary now. x
Hey Tess how did it go at Frankie's tonight, hope you managed to find something you could have and even if it wasn't CD friendly, tomorrow is another day :) How is the nasty cold/flu? Hope you are feeling 100% better :)
Hey Tess how did it go at Frankie's tonight, hope you managed to find something you could have and even if it wasn't CD friendly, tomorrow is another day :) How is the nasty cold/flu? Hope you are feeling 100% better :)

Hi Margarino, I'm feeling much better, thank you -not quite 100% yet, but getting there. Still have 3 days of antibiotics left. I'm only going to F&B's on the 13th of March, so I still have some time to plan. :) How are you getting on?
have a good day. :D
Well, the last couple of days have been really tough and I've not been very good on CD, to be honest. :eek: Could be because of the antibiotics and medication I'm on and also the fact that it's TOTM (sorry if TMI) :rolleyes:.
I'm on nights tonight and tomorrow and I didn't eat anything during the day as I slept for most of it. However, this evening I've had a chocolate Tetra, but my head feels really fuzzy and I feel nauseous (sp?) I don't know what's going on!:confused: I'm going to have another shake soon, and I've been drinking a lot of water and herbal tea this evening, but still can't shake it. Could be coz of the medication again too?
Anyway, going to be 100% now and see what my WI holds on Thurs morning. Hopefully I will still have lost something. I'm finishing my antibiotics tomorrow, so I'm planning on starting properly without any distractions, etc on Thursday after my WI.
Bye for now. :)
Oh no poor you :( Better to get 100% better, you don't want to make yourself worse, then you can really focus on doing CD properly (i haven't yet had a 100% week yet - don't know what my CDC is gonna say tomorrow, but i'm losing the weight so not like she can tell me off!). Anyway, feel better and good luck, i'll be checking in to see how you're doing :)
Oh no poor you :( Better to get 100% better, you don't want to make yourself worse, then you can really focus on doing CD properly (i haven't yet had a 100% week yet - don't know what my CDC is gonna say tomorrow, but i'm losing the weight so not like she can tell me off!). Anyway, feel better and good luck, i'll be checking in to see how you're doing :)

Thanks Hon, hope your weigh in goes well. I agree - I am going to focus on CD as soon as I'm 100% again. Wish me luck for Thursday! I'll check later to see how you did. :)
I just replied to you on my diary haha! Ahh I'm sorry you're still not feeling well :( hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and make you 100% better soon. It must be so frustrating to not be able to stay on the diet properly because of being ill. You should focus on getting completely better though because the diet might make you feel worse. Hope you're ok x
I just replied to you on my diary haha! Ahh I'm sorry you're still not feeling well :( hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and make you 100% better soon. It must be so frustrating to not be able to stay on the diet properly because of being ill. You should focus on getting completely better though because the diet might make you feel worse. Hope you're ok x

Hehe, I will read your diary in a mo. Thanks Hon. I'm taking the last couple of antibiotics tonight, and am feeling much better today. I'm not expecting much for my weigh in tomorrow to be honest, but I'm going to use it as a fresh start as I won't have anything going against my weightloss. Have a good evening. x :)
Thank goodness my nightshift is almost over! I've been very good diet-wise. Had my Strawberry Tetra at 21:00; my Leek and Potato soup @ midnight and my choc mint shake at 3am. Have been drinking water till it's coming out of my ears!
Feeling very nervous for today's weigh in, which is at 10am. Not going to get much sleep before then either. Oh well, whatever the result is, I'm determined to make next week a good week.

I've worked out that there are 100 days till my friends' hen party and about 110 days till her wedding, so I'm hoping to lose at least 3lbs a week till then. :cross:

Will update later again. Take care. x
Yippeeee! I actually lost weight this week despite all the medication and TOTM! :D I lost 1.8lbs which brings it to just over 7lbs in two weeks. I'm so chuffed. :D
Anyway, from tomorrow I can start CD properly as I'll be off all medication (apart from my thyroxine of course) and I'm aiming for a good loss next week. Fingers crossed.
Thought I'd add my total inches lost since starting CD too:
Bust:45 now:43 -2"
waist:43.5 now:38.25 -5.25"
Tum: 52.5 Now: 48.5 -4"
Hips: 50.5 Now: 49 -0.5"
Thighs: 29.25 Now: 27.25 -2"
biceps: 15.75 Now 14.75 -1"

Total inchloss so far: -14.75"!!!
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Well done hon!!

Look at how strong and determined you have become! You should be very proud of yourself! On 100% there'll be no stopping you.

Well done hon!!

Look at how strong and determined you have become! You should be very proud of yourself! On 100% there'll be no stopping you.


Thanks Gg, it's strange you say that, because my CDC said today that she notices a distinct change in me, although she can't quite put her finger on it!:D I definitely think the CBT course I'm doing and the hypnotherapy CD I'm listening to is helping. Can't wait for next week's weigh in now! :D Have a good day. xx

What CBT course are you doing? And which CD? If you don't mind me asking ...

What CBT course are you doing? And which CD? If you don't mind me asking ...

I don't mind at all, Hon. I'm doing the Dr Becks Diet Solution CBT and I'm listening to a CD by Susan Hepburn called Hypnodiet. It's brilliant! :D
Cheers hon.. just looked up the CD.. sounds very like the Paul McKenna one in that it's based in mindfulness etc. I must dig that out and start listening to it .. it's just the discipline of giving 25 minutes a day to listen to it