Gold Member
Cas3 said:My oh is the same with money as soon as we got it he basically finds silly things to spend it on, wots hubby said to night? also my oh was on his phone last nite and kept telling me about an app and it only turns out his joined mfp! xx
It's the whole smoking thing, he see's it as I won't let him have just £4 a day for cigarettes but I'm trying to explain to him while I'm magically doing a weeks shop on £50 a week incl baby milk and nappies, I have no way of letting him have nearly £30 of it. We don't argue about it I just have a go every day because he doesn't get it, but he has said there's no way he'd put himself first over us which he doesn't. He's just told me that he isn't goin to get anymore he's just had his last one and he's going to try and quit cos I've had a face on since he said he was goin to shop ( he has quit quite easy loads of times with no help but as soon as we have steady money again he starts smoking) but I don't for one minute think it's easy, I know that and I've never smoked. I've told him he doesn't need to quit can he just cut down to some every 2 day, even that'll help but he said he's going to try and quit anyway. I just feel like a crap wife for not even letting him have this one luxury but I just can't get the extra money. It's bad enough we've had to stop long term damage to my car by putting it back on the road which is so expensive. Don't get me wrong, were doing pretty well, hubby isn't on a very high wage, I'm on maternity, we private rent, have 2 cars, both on finance, we have sky, contract phones etc so we are very very lucky to have stuff that a lot of people can't afford even on two full wages. Just we have to do what's best with the money that's left. I'm going to treat him when I go back to work, not sure how though x