That dress WILL fit!

Yup, most of the time!

I wasn't keen on the red berries either. Thankfully I only had one in my sample pack and so just didn't order them again.
Does it drive you mad caz? The hubby keeps getting annoyed at me cause he can see how we'll I'm apparently doing! I see no difference in myself and I do find it really disheartening :(
I know the scales are going down but I can't see the inches going down, when I measure I'm the same as when I started! How is that possible?
Sorry I'm ranting just having a really hard time at the moment :(
It's ok. It does get me down but then sometimes I'll see it and makes me feel great. That's rare though!

Your measurements can't be the same. Maybe you're not measuring in the same place you did the first time?
Does it drive you mad caz? The hubby keeps getting annoyed at me cause he can see how we'll I'm apparently doing! I see no difference in myself and I do find it really disheartening :(
I know the scales are going down but I can't see the inches going down, when I measure I'm the same as when I started! How is that possible?
Sorry I'm ranting just having a really hard time at the moment :(

I know what you mean, I seem to be staying at the same measurements, I've done 10weeks now but think I'm gonna stop just because I want to do more exercise and do cardio, which isn't recommended on S&S, think I might do a low carb- calorie controlled- slimming world plan, been working on a new eating plan, I just feel that might be best for me at the moment, I've still got loads of packs left so I think I might just incorporate them into my new eating plan to keep the calorie content down. Really fed up with the plateau I'm at right now, but in your case if the scales are going down the measurements will surely follow xx
I've been measuring the same place on my hips and waist and they really aren't moving! I've lost them other places I'm guessing but I only really measure those two as they are where I want to lose the weight most!
I'm still going to keep going though I'm determined to do this I have to lose the weight :) maybe those areas are just being really stubborn after having 2 kids?
I have no idea what's up with me at the moment im so snappy and down all the time :(
I really hope this isn't being caused by the diet or the hubby will want me to stop doing it!
:( had a sneaky look at the scales today and haven't lost anything at all this week! It's left me feeling even worse than I already did!
Have you stuck to plan?
When you say this week, when do you mean since?
Water retention? Been to the loo?
I've dropped 2-3lb over night before! Good luck :)
Thanks Hun :)

Well I weighed and thankfully......I've lost 2lbs overnight :) I would of liked more but it's still a loss!
Been very naughty today :( it's the hubby's birthday so I did a little tea party for us all so that the kids were involved and I ended up eating some of the food: one chicken drumstick without skin, 1 cocktail sausage roll, 2 cocktail sausages, 2 potato wedges and a small piece of homemade pizza! I feel so stuffed its untrue my kids ate more than that( which is possibly the only upside)
I will have a shake for tea and then jump back on plan tomorrow!
The hubby couldn't believe how little I can eat now compared to 8 weeks ago!
Back on plan today :) hazelnut shake for breakfast! I'm guessing I won't have a loss this week though after my day off yesterday, but that's ok at least I will know why I haven't lost! Just hope I don't put on lol
Still on plan :) hopefully I will be bk in ketosis soon! I've just been sat looking over my goals and my weekly losses, think I was a bit too enthusiastic lol so may have to re-evaluate them to something more realistic!
Eeww well after being up with poorly kids all night I feel like death today :( not sure if its a cold or ketosis kicking in, can't really remember how I felt last time I went through it!
Still on plan though only ended up having 3 packs yesterday after the mousse didn't turn out and had to go to bed to settle my youngest!

Only have just over 5 1/2 months till Florida now so need to get a shifty on and get this weight gone! I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can hit target by then but my official target date is actually October 10th!
Bit sad I know but I thought it sounded good 10st by the 10th of October :)

Hubby keeps moaning at me that he doesn't think I'm drinking enough water! Would not drinking enough effect my losses?
Day 60 woo hoo finally caught up with what day im on lol

I'm struggling to stay on plan since Saturday :( I had two eggless cupcakes i made yesterday! I didn't even want them they were just there and looked yummy and that was it :( I can't wait till hubby is on this diet too then I will have more support!

I'm never gonna get back into ketosis at this rate!
I feel like such a failure :( I need to get back on the wagon and stop messing about xx