psssssst... I had an unofficial WI today, :copon: but I've lost 3lb!

arty0011: Hehe. It means I'm now overweight officially and also exactly 14st: my target was to be under 14st by the end of the month

ETA: Oh yeah and it also means that all those cheeky squatters are banished now
Another exam today. Feeling better about this one, much better. Partly I think because it's an essay style so you can just make stuff up whatever.. I know all the studies I can know for the minute. Now it's just waiting for that one hour before the exam. Hate waiting beforehand it sucks!
Also had a shock, got a £7200 electricity bill today

.But I sorted it out. Phoned them up and gave them an actual reading of the meter and it's now £192 (for the year).... p-h-e-w. How they think I could possibly have used that much electricity I don't know.
Oh yeah, menu today:
B: ready brek & mixed frozen berries = 200cal
L: scrambled eggs toast & salad = 400cal
S: maltesers and 6 toffees = 400cal (oopsie)
D: chicken casserole & veg = 250cal
Total = 1250cal
Exercise: so far a 15min jog & 30min brisk walk = 300cal.
Will do callanetics later.