Interesting!! Ok yesterday was a binging disaster. I had loads of chocolate and fizzy drink (ok it was diet) and just not good generally. As this is part of the reason why we have these diaries, to record ups and downs and begin to see patterns I feel it's only right that I should record the consequences of having dived off the rails so spectacularly!
Today my body has felt so so rubbish. Sorry this is probably going to be tmi. But I've been really windy today, and also been a bit explosive as well. And... So smelly!! :ashamed0005::faint2: Hehe like every time I have to run out the room cos I think I'm about to die of gas poisoning! I also feel really sort of bloated and just not well/healthy feeling like I normally feel.
Bleugh that'll learn me. I already feel better emotionally, having dissected the reasons why I did that. Alright now. But wow it really did feel like pollution to my body that it's desperately trying to expel and get rid of, having got used to months of lots of healthy wholefoods..
Feeling better as the day goes on, and I'm back to my normal diet of good stuff (and probably having expelled all the crap from my body by now!).