Well done, a STS is a great result when you're expecting a gain. I'm sure you'll get your 4 off in 4 weeks.
W/I tonight, feeling less bloated so hopefully I'll get off some of the pounds I put on over the last month!
How was your W/I??
Well done, a STS is a great result when you're expecting a gain. I'm sure you'll get your 4 off in 4 weeks.
W/I tonight, feeling less bloated so hopefully I'll get off some of the pounds I put on over the last month!
How was your W/I??
Put on 2 lbs. feeling sad.
Well done! You've done really well the past few weeks. Keep it up!
I've had another sick bug the past couple of days , yes another one! So not eaten much but woke up today feeling like I want to eat everything in sight! Hope to stay in plan as I really want to get that 2 lbs off
Trying red days this week. Wish me luck. Have a good week everyone