The battle of the Bubble

Hear you back Hun :):):):)
Hope you had a brilliant holiday xxxx

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Hi Peeps

Im home!
Had the most amazing time, cycled everywhere, run everyday, swam everyday, I have been the most active I can think of and Im absolutely shattered!!! If you have never done a centreparcs hol before, please do think about it. It was the most exciting and adventurous time ever. Did climbing, archery you name it we did it. I must admit the weather was naff rained 4 days but its what you make it and we made it great!
Ive been on antibiotics since weds as I have an ear infection, It is absolutely killing me but I wasnt going to let it beat me I was only out there for a a little while! I have also got a full blown cold (double pneumonia from the wetness i reckon!)
On the food front I havent stopped eating! Weighed myself this morning and I am very fat but Im not going to dwell.
Ive made myself a target of 21lb in total before cyprus, so i have 9 weeks today. I currently stand at -5lb from my start weight, so 16lb to go, achievable if i put my heart and soul into this.
I do have all our birthdays coming up 8th and 11th june, 9th and 11th July, but other than those days I will not be having any crap.

I am sort of thinking of doing my own thing using sw as a guide, Im thinking of fruit and veg during the day and descent meal of an evening. I really dont know though, what i do know is I need a swift kick up the backside and beat the bulge.
Im really ready to do it now, I have eaten anything and everything I wanted so cant possibly crave anything anymore!

Trying to get round to your diaries but some of you have 30+ pages to read and I cant possibly catch up, so for those I have not said a personal hello too, please be sure Im here to watch and listen and get thinspiration from you all.

Bring it on.... The bubble is here to win!!:D
Yay ! Glad to have you back hun :D. So happy you had a brill time with your family and had so much fun with the activities. Don't worry bout the gain, you have plenty of time to get those scales moving. I'm sure your gonna find what works for you and give it your best. You know where I am whenever u wanna chat. Looking forward to reading your new posts this week. Hope the ear ache sorts itself out and your feeling better soon hun. Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovely. It's good to have our bubble back ! :p xx
Brilliant post great attitude ,
You'll get that target for Cyprus ,
You sound so fired up to get things moving
You go girl your an absolute star ,

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glad you had a great time despite the weather - hope the earache and cold clear up soon . You will definitely get your Cyprus goal with your upbeat attitude.
So glad you had a fab time! Must give centerparcs a bash, maybe next year?

9weeks is a fair while so I'm sure you'll do fabulously. Why not give SW a week while you get back in the swing of things just being back and then see how you feel and what you think will suit you best. If you restrict yourself too much it may make you want to have a gobble fest.
Just had shopping delivered and my fridge looks so pretty and colourful! :)
Your right numnum ive just got the new sw mag in too so will have a good look through and plan my week. Feeling positive. :D

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There's loads of fab recipes in the new mag, I was pretty impressed actually :)
I had the Minced Beef Pancakes last night and the Golden Mac 'n' Cheese tonight both from the new mag and they were both yummy and filling.
Mmmmm. Fancy the ratatouille, creamy chick pasta, veggie paella, pork schnitzel the meatballs etc... i quite fancy it all. Nomnomnom.... family are picking 6 to try this week tomorrows already sorted with roast pork.
The sundaes look delicious too. :)

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Hi Peeps

Im home!
Had the most amazing time, cycled everywhere, run everyday, swam everyday, I have been the most active I can think of and Im absolutely shattered!!! If you have never done a centreparcs hol before, please do think about it. It was the most exciting and adventurous time ever. Did climbing, archery you name it we did it. I must admit the weather was naff rained 4 days but its what you make it and we made it great!
Ive been on antibiotics since weds as I have an ear infection, It is absolutely killing me but I wasnt going to let it beat me I was only out there for a a little while! I have also got a full blown cold (double pneumonia from the wetness i reckon!)
On the food front I havent stopped eating! Weighed myself this morning and I am very fat but Im not going to dwell.
Ive made myself a target of 21lb in total before cyprus, so i have 9 weeks today. I currently stand at -5lb from my start weight, so 16lb to go, achievable if i put my heart and soul into this.
I do have all our birthdays coming up 8th and 11th june, 9th and 11th July, but other than those days I will not be having any crap.

I am sort of thinking of doing my own thing using sw as a guide, Im thinking of fruit and veg during the day and descent meal of an evening. I really dont know though, what i do know is I need a swift kick up the backside and beat the bulge.
Im really ready to do it now, I have eaten anything and everything I wanted so cant possibly crave anything anymore!

Trying to get round to your diaries but some of you have 30+ pages to read and I cant possibly catch up, so for those I have not said a personal hello too, please be sure Im here to watch and listen and get thinspiration from you all.

Bring it on.... The bubble is here to win!!:D

Lovely to have our winning bubble backx

So glad u had a great time - despite the weather. I'm sure u'll get to ur Cyprus target - a reasonable amount of time and a great motivator to meet ur family & friends showing off an even slimmer figure - woo-woo!

I think I've been following u on ur off plan holiday - whilst I've stayed at home! I've been terrible - eating everything in sight - struggling to get back on the straight & narrow!! Not so confident as u about being on plan but must get sorted on Monday!! Good luck to u but doesn't sound as if u need it!!
Your holiday sounds amazing! So pleased you had a great time and SOOOOO proud of you for your bike riding. I went out yesterday and nearly fell a couple of times!!

I agree with numnum. You know SW works for you when you put your mind to it :) use your 15 syns and make meals you want to eat and you'll have some great losses before your next holiday.

Sounds like I need a copy of the new magazine...
Lovely to have our winning bubble backx

So glad u had a great time - despite the weather. I'm sure u'll get to ur Cyprus target - a reasonable amount of time and a great motivator to meet ur family & friends showing off an even slimmer figure - woo-woo!

I think I've been following u on ur off plan holiday - whilst I've stayed at home! I've been terrible - eating everything in sight - struggling to get back on the straight & narrow!! Not so confident as u about being on plan but must get sorted on Monday!! Good luck to u but doesn't sound as if u need it!!

Hi upndown, :) come on mate chin up get focused lets do this! Its officially 1st day of summer lets hit those summer fruits. :p

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Oh pip you should have seen me on the bike. I was a wreck the first day threw real kiddy tantrums (i cant do it)....then i had to do it as it was peeing down and villa was a good old trek away.
Its a good job no-one knew me and most people were foreign. My youngest couldnt understand why they werent speaking greek!
On all the outdoor activities in the rain there were only the crazy brits doing them! We are a funny nation! ;)

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So you should be, your holiday is going to be awesome. :)

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