Iagree with you Pink, what an idiot, side mirrors are there for a reason i hope he at least took you to hospital and i hope you got his details, he needs to pay for any damage to the bike, not to mention you !
Hello, Lisa, sorry to read about your accident. My eldest son had an accident a few weeks ago going down a cycle path. Someone had tired wire across it from a fence to a lampost. The sun was shining and he couldn't see it as he whizzed along at 25mph. Almost cut him in halfAh this is frustrating, I try hard and I'm doing well but haven't lost a pound for 2 weeks! Grrrr..
Food today:
2 fake sausages 200
beans 100
egg 100
banana 100
greek yoghurt 60
monster munch 110
2 crackers and ham 100
veg 100
fish 300
mash 70
No, it pushed his forearm muscles up by his elbows and they looked like chicken drumsticksOH MY GOD LA that's horrible! Mine was a stupid accident but these people are just criminals! Is your son ok? xx
Hi Lisa, you did so well on your holidaySo my new plan...have lost 1 lbs while being away for 3 weeks. But I did not think of calories at all. Just tried to be sensible but I did eat everything I wanted so pretty good.
I think I have to do more exercise if I want to lose weight just eating doesn't help.
I really want to go try running but it's so hard to just go and do it!![]()