x Nee x
Gold Member
Morning everyone,
2 days till my weigh in arrgghhh feeling abit nervous about this one, I have been really good, but not seeing as much as a drop this week with my constant weigh in's hee hee
Food wise, not slipped at all, the 'Boyf' has been eating normal food including double deckers and as much as ive been tempted I havent strayed so very pleased
, but I think Im having too many carbs, having lots of pasta and bread and baked potatoes- not in massive portions but they are a slow releaser so unless im doing loads of excersise I dont think its helping me too much. But at the same time, i have been fully satisfied with what I have been eating and only had the occasional hunger pang where I want to eat the whole store of Asda ha ha
So my plan for today and tomorrow is to be even better with food than I have been already and go for a long walk today and tomorrow and monday after I have weighed in and PRAY that I lose at least the 2 lbs for this week!!!
2 days till my weigh in arrgghhh feeling abit nervous about this one, I have been really good, but not seeing as much as a drop this week with my constant weigh in's hee hee
Food wise, not slipped at all, the 'Boyf' has been eating normal food including double deckers and as much as ive been tempted I havent strayed so very pleased
So my plan for today and tomorrow is to be even better with food than I have been already and go for a long walk today and tomorrow and monday after I have weighed in and PRAY that I lose at least the 2 lbs for this week!!!