The Century Club - Let's Make 2008 Great!

How're you all doing today? I had a really really sh1tty day :(:( but at least lost 4lbs at second week WI .....
Unfortunately I also managed to lose A LOT of money and an expensive necklace DH bought me 10 years ago :cry:
If I had a bottle of wine I'd be pouring it down my neck about now.... :eek:
Thanks DQ - I think it must have fallen off on the Glasgow/Edinburgh train .... I'll phone to see if it was handed in but I doubt it.
:DJust checked my card - it was FIVE yesterday, not 4 I lost! That makes me feel better
Hope y'all have a good day
A great weight loss ... not so good about the other stuff. Hope an honest John found it and handed it in (not unheard of - let's be positive here!!) :)
Hows it going guys?
My halo is shining - been swimming yesterday and today! Great appetite suppressant, flaunting my flab in a size 24 cossie!:D
Not so smug tonight - don't know why but I have cheated :sigh:- started off with a bit of chicken and spiralled so I had (look away now if you dont want to know!)


.big chunk of chicken with mayo,7 choc biscuits, 2 bananas, a tiny bit of cheese and a cereal bar......:mad:
mmmm feel pretty despondent now... if I don't understand myself who else could be expected to?
Anyway I'll just carry on tomorrow - 3 steps forward 2 back etc.... must try to remember what this feels like.:cry:(In future)
Gosh DQ you are right there when I need you! Thanks I know you do understand xxxx
ps weighed myself this morning and have lost 21lbs and my third WI isnt until Wednesday! So I was doing well! Whats THAT all about I wonder??
Woman, don't question it - just pat yourself on the back and dance with it :bliss: You ARE doing a great job - now head down, and keep going :hug99:
Glad to report I'm back on the straight and narrow today, feeling strong and positive.
Onwards and downwards!
Thanks for your support, DQ!
Hi guys!

Well as I posted on my diary I gained 1/2lb last week....:eek: Fell off the wagon a bit over the weekend and although I thought it wasn't too bad when I look at what I ate it was abit carb overload....:rolleyes:

Anyway, I have decided to give my all to 790/SSing from tomorrow.... need some results and need them NOW!!!!

Mrs Pink.... I ask about your accent cos when I went to the Newcastle Meet in 06 I met Maisie from this site and when she said hello I'm Maisie I said.... 'oh my your scottish' (she had a strong Glasweigan accent...:eek:).... it's just it didn't state where she lived on her profile so I wasn't expecting then this year in Newcastle I met Starlight (sandy) who is also Scottish and she was asking if she sounded like Maise (which she did) cos she didn't think her accent wasn't so strong.... just needed to establish you are infact scottish incase I should meet you one of these days - I won't be shocked or embarrass myself:eek::eek:

btw - my dad looks a bit like Sean..... even down to the dodgy jumpers he wears - and one of my friends flew a plane with Sean on ..... and he has photographic evidence too (btw the friend does fly jumbo jets for BA for a living - he didn't randomly just fly a plane... :character00255:
I lost my virginity to a bloke from Coventry :eek: so if you sound like that, I can imagine how you sound! He used to say to me "Are you all right?" and I was always a bit puzzled by that and eventually I asked him "Why do you keep asking me if I'm all right? Do I not LOOK all right?" Then it emerged that he was really just saying hello....
I don't know - it's a different LANGUAGE down there!:D

I don't have a Glasgow accent - I come from a place in the middle of the country and have spent many years in Edinburgh so I am quite "neutral" lol (says she in her best Miss Jean Brodie accent):D:D
I lost my virginity to a bloke from Coventry :eek: so if you sound like that, I can imagine how you sound! He used to say to me "Are you all right?" and I was always a bit puzzled by that and eventually I asked him "Why do you keep asking me if I'm all right? Do I not LOOK all right?" Then it emerged that he was really just saying hello....
I don't know - it's a different LANGUAGE down there!:D

I don't have a Glasgow accent - I come from a place in the middle of the country and have spent many years in Edinburgh so I am quite "neutral" lol (says she in her best Miss Jean Brodie accent):D:D

:rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao: Tell me his name.... I probably know him......:eek::eek: As long as you don't say I sound like a Brummie (no offence to Brummies).... but people from Cov ARE NOT Brummies....!! (I even joined a group on Facebook stating that!!).....

Check you out with your 'posh' Scottish accent...... ;)

For a minute there I thought you were going to say you'd lost your virginity to a man on a jumbo jet....:character00255::giggle:
For the record Im still adamant NOONE sounds as Scottish as Maisie does ;)
Wish I knew who Maisie was!

Starlight which part of town are you from? My work colleague is from Govan - HE has a strong accent - and HE taught me to swear (honest!) lol
I was pure as the driven snow until I met him!

Mich - know any guys called CHRIS???
Wish I knew who Maisie was!

She is off this site but doesn't post much.... more of a lurker aren't you Maisie;) But she is a lovely lady and I'm sure will trot along to the Glasgow meet......

Mich - know any guys called CHRIS???

Mmmmm Chris.... let me think now......

Next door neighbour is called Chris.... but I deffo wouldn't so sure you didn';)

Friends husband he's another Chris.....

My office manager another Chris.....

can't think of any more that I know of....:D