Wish I knew who Maisie was!
Starlight which part of town are you from? My work colleague is from Govan - HE has a strong accent - and HE taught me to swear (honest!) lol
I was pure as the driven snow until I met him!
Mich - know any guys called CHRIS???
Mmmmm Chris.... let me think now......
Next door neighbour is called Chris.... but I deffo wouldn't so sure you didn't.....lol
Friends husband he's another Chris.....
My office manager another Chris.....
can't think of any more that I know of....![]()
What about you CDC's co counsellor???
Don't tell me you've forgotten him already![]()
Oh my...... sorry cos I've only met him like twice I have to confess he did slip my mind.... and as I see you too.... don't tell him.... please....![]()
Hiya Mich
Well done on surviving the first 2 days - after tomorrow it'll be plain sailing! (IT WILL!)
How are you managing with the water?
Fine fine - wishing time would pass so it was OVER tbh!
Well done on the walking.
Off for a schmooze round the arcade .....