The Check-in Point

Hmm, sounds nice! I'll have to look for a recipe, though I'm pretty sure they won't be as good as takeaway ones without all the fat!
Certain of it, but being slim will taste nicer honey x
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Well, they were spicy potatoes! Lovelyyyy. It didn't feel like diet food cuz it was a good ol' pile of taters. I also found a packet of Quorn chicken, which is 3pts for the pack, so I had that. I also finished off nicely with a portion of Pretzel Flipz. Lushhhhh. I was naughty when I got in, I was starving, but not starving... I was BORED... So I ate half a packet of those Special K crisps. I pointed them at 3pts, as there are 4 potions a packet, but added an extra point to be safe. Wasted points, but I didn't go over! I will not let myself do that again, but I shall make sure I have emergency low point snacks just in case it happens. Another possible disaster averted! So far, so good!

I also haven't had chocolate or cake in 6 days! Usually I'd eat that stuff for breakfast! I'm pretty proud of myself. Last weekend I still had some stuff, and a pack, a 'share' pack, of crisps or two. It was two. I won't be doing that either. I'm really feeling like this is going to get easier to handle.

I've been thinking about how long I have to go; it's such a long way until goal, like, a reallyyyyy long way to go. I read a weight loss motivation slogan though, which was "Don't think of how far you have left, just think of how far you've come". I shall try to remember that every day. I've already surprised myself so much, just by the choices I have been (mostly) making. I keep telling myself it's all for the greater good, whenever I start thinking of naughty food. I also told myself about how I'd feel if I kept putting it off, and this time next year I'm in the same spot.

Let's remember, life is to be enjoyed, but how can we be enjoying it when we're so blimmin' unhappy with ourselves?!
You resisted! Well done chick! Your dinner sounds scrummy, I luuuurve potatoes, any way they come!

I'm still wasting points.I want to try to stop this, and not just for while I slim. I often eat because I'm bored too, or just 'want something'. But those times I rarely taste it and I'm usually eating on the go rather than building up to it, sitting down and really enjoying it. I think I need a mini challenge (that and to stop buying the darned things too! But I do so love crisps :(). Anyway, you did really well today x x

I know it seems like a long way to go and it will take you a while, but you will get there and as mad as it sounds you need to kind of enjoy the journey too. Think of it as a project or a new hobby. When I'm doing it, I get really immersed, I need a new tracker and record everything so that I can look back and see what I was up to, stuff I ate and I'm even sticking those weekly pics in at the mo. I've also got charts in it. Hubby checks it at night to make sure the maths adds up - also makes me accountable to someone every day. Project Hules - works for me! You need lots of mini goals too :) I'm so much happier when I'm losing weight, I've no idea why I don't stick to it easily.

However, after all that I actually went over by 3 points today. Not sure how I'm going to make them up (not very good at that), but I will try!
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Nice day had today, seeing family and just chilling. No idea how many points I ate though, dinner was things like salads, falafel and houmous, so healthyish but even so. Not sure what too do about that yet.

Went for a run this morning, it was so muggy and a bit of a struggle generally and I felt quite sluggish. Did it though, 28 mins non stop so pleased.

I guess everyone is out in the sunshine :)
Hey! I was out all day at work! I missed breakfast because I woke up late, and coffee was more important. I had a salad, 3.5pts baby potatoes, and 1.5pts quron roast chicken bits. Then for dinner I had a takeaway, a kebab and a large handful of chips which I pointed at 6 each, though I only ate a quarter of the pitta, about three quarters of the chips. I had a tablespoon or so of mayo too. I was really bad though, and out of boredom I ate 6pts of Pretzel Flipz before dinner. That took me to my 24p limit, which was really very silly of me. Again, I stopped myself just in time, but that was tooooo close. This time those bad boys were playing for real! So I need to make sure I get my teeth brushed early to prevent me from eating more, and I've also thrown away the scraps from my dinner to make sure I don't pick for the sake of it.

That dinner of yours sounds pretty good to me! I know falafel can be quite high in points, but if it was all in moderation and you didn't stuff your face or anything, you should be fine! You ran for a good time too! That should make up for it! I haven't done any exercise today, but my legs have been getting over Friday! I should go to the gym tomorrow, but I'm going out with my mates in the evening and I don't want to be tired, and I don't want to ruin it for my legs on Tuesday. Unless I just have a walk, rather than a heavy going interval thing? I've been eating more 'solids' this weekend, well I had a proper dinner rather than shake both yesterday and tonight. It has had an effect on my weight for certain, cuz it's heavier stuff, but I'm hoping since I'm staying in my points, it should go back to normal by the weigh-in after next. Maybe I should interval my shake dinners? Maybe have one every other evening, to prevent stomach stretch but also change it up a bit, keep the metabolism guessing?

I don't get my beau to do anything for me, I do it all myself, and try and plan his stuff, cuz he's just a bit rubbish at it all. I just tell him what to do! :D I haven't told him my weight either, cuz I weigh more than him, by a few stone! It's so embarrassing, though I'm pretty sure he knows, but he's saving my dignity by not letting on. He wants to lose a bit of weight too, so he does the WW points thing, though he's naff at following it. He works on a farm though, so if he goes over a few points it's no biggy. He lost 5lbs last week, the brat! He enjoys us sitting down in the evening and planning the next day's meals. He finds it easier to stick to it, and he writes down all the points and stuff. It makes it easier in the sense that we don't have to try and think of what points we have had on the spot when planning the rest of the meals for the day.
My hubby is skinny and fit so also weighs more than me by a few stone :) He's been the same weight, give or take 4lbs since I met him! I'm over it now, we've been together so long I can't be doing with keeping it a secret and he's not bothered. The food has been okay, but I will have definitely gone over. Still thinking whether to try to claw some back or write it off. I think I might go for the first one and see if I can do 18 or 19 points for the next 3 days. Looking back this is basically what I have done for the last few weeks and it only gives me a pound loss - darn end of term :( I need to really focus.

Well done for cutting off. I do the teeth cleaning thing too (obviously not enough though!). You're still within points, but then this is why WW is so good!
Well I was happy when I was getting on for 12st 6lb; I didn't mind telling him as I knew he was a stone heavier than me! I also felt better about myself then, and my goals seemed more attainable then. If only I hadn't been so lazy! I know he doesn't care, but it's just for me really. I'd rather be in denial that he has no idea how much I weigh, until I get to under 13st again. Though I won't pretend I haven't lost 3st by that point. It's just easier to handle. I hate that in two years I'm six stone heavier, and probably worry a bit that he'd leave me if he knew how much I weigh, not that it matters or else he'd have dumped me months ago due to how I look!
I don't know if I'm just crazy, but I've started my xmas shopping. :D I decided to see if Lee Evans was touring next year, and it turns out there was one date with decent-ish seats. Since they've only been on sale for a month, and nearly sold out, I figured sod it! They are middle aisle seats, which means I HAVE to slim right down to fit! I have until October 2014 though. ^_^ I don't really know why I'm up still. I just get toooo hot and stuffy. I'm hoping it'll be less of an issue next year when I have a lot of weight gone.
Heh heh, that's good going! I'd love to get that organised!

So, it's a lovely morning. How is everyone doing it's very quiet, I hope you're all okay x

I was off the rails again yesterday due to family visiting and hubby buying yummy foods and me having no real will power. No idea on points so I'm really going to try to focus today and claw back as many points as poss (my version of the wendie plan :)) I need some ideas!
I wasn't particularly being organised, Hules; I was bored, stuffy, angry, and needed to do something other than think about food! So I just happened to come across it, and didn't look a gift horse in the mouth! I didn't eat either, but I was sooo tempted to eat some crisps or something. I don't have any, only the Special K ones, but I was craving some kettle chips or something. Then it meant I couldn't sleep as easy again cuz I was hungry, so at 3am I was still shattered, and still starving. I got up at five, but I went to sleep for a couple of hours at 11. I haven't done anything today and it's already 3pm. I'm supposed to be going out tonight, but I don't think I can hack it. I'm too hot, and I'll probably be even more tired later.
Aww honey, you're doing so well though!! I can't be bothered to do anything in this heat either, but have to go out again in a bit. What could you have before you go to bed to stop the 'I'm hungry' feeling in the middle of the night? What about a warm milky drink - Choc options or something? or a bowl of porridge - something slow release?
I could probably do that you know! I just wanted to stop eating too late, but a bowl of porridge isn't exactly going to ruin things. I hate that I'm so tired right now though, cuz if I haven't been sleeping, I've been snacking throughout the day. Sleep will mean I'm up late, and eating all my points on nothing will mean I stay up anyway cuz I'm starving. Arrgghh!
My personal view is that it as long as you stick to your points, you should be able to eat when you like and still lose weight. You need to have sort of plan and porridge is good for staving off hunger for longer.

I'm definitely in the sme place as you with snacks. I've been thinking about doing some sort of core/no count, perhaps only a few days a week and pointing if I go out etc. I've got to try something to stop snacking on junk, low points they may be, nutritional they are not! I want to try to overhaul my eating, so I eat healthy meals and sensible snacks only if I need them. Or when I get to goal I'll still have bad habits. I might try a simply filling type thing for discover.
I just had a massiveeeee dinner, of half a plate of cauliflower with white sauce (2pt), and stuffing (2pt). It feels like it should have been loads more points, but I needed that full feeling on low points! I didn't have enough milk for porridge, so I went on the bulk veg route.
Sounds lovely and filling :) I'm not keen on cauliflower though, I'm not sure why? I think it's something that I'd like, then I try it and there's something about it??! Shame really as it's carby and really filling for no points! Hopefully that'll keep you topped up! xxx
I do worry about it affecting my weight loss to eat loads in the evening, but I rarely let myself do it, I was just having one of those days where I needed to veg the hell out! Even if it takes a day or two for my weight to even out again, I've stayed in my points so you're right, it shouldn't really affect my weight loss at all, unless I pig out the day before weigh day. That's not until Thursday anyway, so I should be fine. I'm off to the pub tomorrow afternoon to have a catch up and a Pimm's with my mate. I'll try and stay below my points too to make up for the couple of drinks. Maybe I'll do the same as I did today, and have a big plate of veg when I get back instead.
I think that's a good idea, I'm definitely better when I have meals ready and waiting to be eaten. It's the waiting or not knowing what to have that makes me want to snack
Hope you both had a good weekend. Hunger can be really hard to deal with when it's happening everyday. The only thing I can suggest is drinking lots of water, I know it's boring, but, especially when it's so hot, thirst can easily be mistaken for hunger.

The other thing I've found is some research that suggested soup (blended thick veg soup like 0point soup) keeps you fuller longer so that you're less tempted to snack between meals. I know that it's not exactly the weather for it at the moment, but it's worth a try if nothing else is working!

I've been out and about quite a lot so not posted on here and tbh, although I've stayed within my points allowance (49 extras is a life saver... I've not felt like I've been on a diet at all!) All I did was stay away from puddings and starters.....
Had a full on weekend with friends over... went out to dinner 3 times.... drank more wine than is acceptable.... lost 2.6kg (that's 5.73lbs in English!)
So this week I'm hoping for an absolute stonker of a week, because I've got nothing more than a drink with friends after work on Friday!

I've joined the 10 week challenge too hoping for my 10% badge by the end of it that's 24lb.....
Woah, Alipally! That's a stonker of a loss! That's what I love about ww.

I've been trying to up my water, yesterday I could have had more for sure. I didn't go over my points, but I was picking all day. I need to keep busy too, to stop me picking. A couple times, as I've previously posted, I've had some near misses with over snacking. I'm looking forward to weigh day, I've been so good, when three times I've told myself "goal day is a year away, one day won't hurt", but I didn't give in, woo!!!