Hey! I was out all day at work! I missed breakfast because I woke up late, and coffee was more important. I had a salad, 3.5pts baby potatoes, and 1.5pts quron roast chicken bits. Then for dinner I had a takeaway, a kebab and a large handful of chips which I pointed at 6 each, though I only ate a quarter of the pitta, about three quarters of the chips. I had a tablespoon or so of mayo too. I was really bad though, and out of boredom I ate 6pts of Pretzel Flipz before dinner. That took me to my 24p limit, which was really very silly of me. Again, I stopped myself just in time, but that was tooooo close. This time those bad boys were playing for real! So I need to make sure I get my teeth brushed early to prevent me from eating more, and I've also thrown away the scraps from my dinner to make sure I don't pick for the sake of it.
That dinner of yours sounds pretty good to me! I know falafel can be quite high in points, but if it was all in moderation and you didn't stuff your face or anything, you should be fine! You ran for a good time too! That should make up for it! I haven't done any exercise today, but my legs have been getting over Friday! I should go to the gym tomorrow, but I'm going out with my mates in the evening and I don't want to be tired, and I don't want to ruin it for my legs on Tuesday. Unless I just have a walk, rather than a heavy going interval thing? I've been eating more 'solids' this weekend, well I had a proper dinner rather than shake both yesterday and tonight. It has had an effect on my weight for certain, cuz it's heavier stuff, but I'm hoping since I'm staying in my points, it should go back to normal by the weigh-in after next. Maybe I should interval my shake dinners? Maybe have one every other evening, to prevent stomach stretch but also change it up a bit, keep the metabolism guessing?
I don't get my beau to do anything for me, I do it all myself, and try and plan his stuff, cuz he's just a bit rubbish at it all. I just tell him what to do!

I haven't told him my weight either, cuz I weigh more than him, by a few stone! It's so embarrassing, though I'm pretty sure he knows, but he's saving my dignity by not letting on. He wants to lose a bit of weight too, so he does the WW points thing, though he's naff at following it. He works on a farm though, so if he goes over a few points it's no biggy. He lost 5lbs last week, the brat! He enjoys us sitting down in the evening and planning the next day's meals. He finds it easier to stick to it, and he writes down all the points and stuff. It makes it easier in the sense that we don't have to try and think of what points we have had on the spot when planning the rest of the meals for the day.