I just panicked really, I really didn't have a clue on the drinky front. If a can is 2pts, I probably had four cans worth at the most, and then 300ml of Pimm's at the most. So essentially I could have been 2pts off the allowance. I got up and ate a few potatoes that I had been saving, at 1pt. It was just enough to line my stomach and help me relax! I didn't sleep too easy though, but it was a bit easier.
It's good you're really thinking about your choices now, I try to keep away from snacks purely so that I have extra to eat later. 2pts of potatoes is a lot more filling that 2pts of potato crisps! I never have jackets though, I feel like they're too many points in themselves, and I like beans, and cheese.. and coleslaw... and butter spread stuff.... So, all in all, they end up at about 15pts when I have them 'my' way.

I think I rarely have beans at all these days, and for a veggie, that's bad news! I think they're too high in points, and there isn't a lot to have with them that's free. I suppose I could add them to a beany curry thing, and have veggies and what have you, with a curry paste. Sounds like a plan!
I've never done a no-count thing, or even heard of it, actually! I don't think I could trust myself to not count, I'd end up being cheeky and having extras. I need to be firm! I'm off to the gym later, going to do my usual walky thing. I haven't been since Friday, which is bad, but Saturday I ached sooo bad, Sunday it isn't open... Errmm... Monday I wasn't up early, and it was sweltering and I lacked motivation... Tuesday, yesterday, I was meeting my sister so I knew we'd have a bit of a walk about, but she was late so we didn't walk about as much as I'd planned. I could have gone in the morning before I met her, but I didn't realise what time she was actually getting there until she got there! So today, I plan to have a good hour of solid walking, and then the same tomorrow I imagine, and Friday. I don't know what'll happen on Saturday, depends on how I feel after three days of it, but I don't have work, so I imagine I should probably want to go. On Sunday I'm having my hair done, so I can't go to the gym as I have to have hair that's easy to work with, and I can't blow dry my hair as it's in such bad condition. So here's hoping for a good 'end' to the week, and a good 'start' to the week too, even if I don't get to the gym this weekend.
I'm a bit worried about Sunday, though, as it's my friend doing my hair, and she wants to make a day of it, as girls do, and she wants snacks and all sorts. I'm thinking of getting some popcorn for myself, and if she wants takeaway, I get a grilled kebab again. She may want to buy stuff to cook, in which case, I can't exactly buy myself a low point pizza. :-/ I could just buy some herbs and veggies, and grill the vegetables myself, and have a pitta or wrap or something.