The Check-in Point

Arrgghhh! I've been awfully greedy! I put on half a pound this week, which I could put down to TOTM, or whatever, but it's just half a pound. I took it in my stride, however, took it upon myself to eat a 400g loaf of bread, lots of butter, and a big share bag of crisps. I've completely ruined my chances of a loss next week, so I need to make some major damage control. A bit late for it, of course, but I've probably eaten 40pts already today. If I save 4 points a day for the rest of the week, I could be onto something. I don't know why I've done it, and all through it I kept telling myself "I shouldn't be eating this, I shouldn't be eating this."

I haven't been to the gym in weeks either. I need to get back on this, seriously!!!
Quiet around here...

thought i'd better check in as havnt for the past couple weeks. Managed a full week on discover and lost 5lbs but the 2nd was hit and miss seeing a STS. Trying to get back on track now though.
Hey peeps! So I've been away on my jollies and am about to go again so won't be around for a bit. My eating healthily had gone right out off the window what with camping etc. I'm just gonna ease off a bit too enjoy my food for the next week or so then try to get back on for a push up to Christmas.

Hope everyone's okay! IWILL be back! X
I'm glad you're having a good time, Hules! I've missed talking to you!
2lbs off after my first week, was hoping for a little more of a drop, but it's TOTM, so hopefully I'll get a similar loss next week before slowing to the 1lb a week that's my usual pace.
Hey ladies, so I'm back (hopefully, it's been hard getting back on) and got on the scales this morning and have gained an impressive 7lbs! That's about half a pound a day! I've not been for a run this morning (that would have lost me another 2 lbs in liquid but I don't want to do that anymore, it's a false weight as it just goes back on as soon as I have a drink! I've totally binged but I do need to focus again now. I'm off to the states in October and must lose this weight again, plus a bit more!

Hi eviljobob and I've missed talking too you too lorny hun, how's it been going sweetie? X
Hello Hules :)

I STS last week (abooo!) and I've had a naughty week this week as my OH's Grandad died so we've been travelling/visiting family/eating buffet food and on the go. I'm trying my best to get on track for the rest of this week then I'll have a really good week next week. Weigh in on Monday *crosses everything*
Good luck for that honey. I really seem to have no of switch when traveling around like you are so you're doing well!

I've not actually managed to do a full day yet. Fingers crossed for today xx
I've been terrible. I've gone completely off the wagon, and I've been struggling to get back on for the past fortnight. I don't even know how it happened, but I can't seem to get on track!
Me neither lovely. I've just had cheese on toast for breakfast and a sausage roll for snack so there goes today already. Perhaps we need to do a big group/buddy restart? I blame the sunshine, it's confused me and put me outside pic my routine and that means I can't focus. But I'm back at work on Wed so that should give me a bit more routine.
Lorny you (and I) were doing so well, we need to get some motivation now and get down to it. We need a plan!
I was thinking that too, we were so on it, there was nothing stopping us! It has made me realise I really rely on everyone here keeping us on track. I definitely wouldn't be strong enough to go it alone! I hate telling myself tomorrow's a new day, cuz I'll overeat, then I say oh well... Tomorrow's a new day!
So lady, I'm thinking a bit off a countdown? Then all on it and checking in all the time. I can't do it on my own either.
Yeah, we need to get set up for getting back on track. I've got a holiday in June next year too, with a couple of skinny minnies, so I can't be the token fat girl!
Well I've got this visit to the states, then hopefully a holiday to sunny shores next summer. Can't be still here then. What can be our plan?
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We can't wait a whole five days to restart, cuz that's too dangerous! So what if we change our weigh day to Monday, get the weekend out of the way and start fresh tomorrow?

I know you don't go back to work until Wednesday, but if we carry on as we are it'll be crazy and we will be kicking ourselves! And we can start it off well, with a run in the morning. I've only got one month of gym left so I need to get on it! I wanted to be three stone lighter by Xmas, but I've spent two weeks eating and it's slipping away.

Oh yeah, I was not impressed the other day, I was told my contract gave me two free months, yet they didn't actually give me that one, I just got the standard one. Completely mugged me off! I didn't want to cancel it, but after that I couldn't be bothered with it, especially as I had to call an 0843 number for 12 minutes to call up and find out why I'd been charged. I'll go to a gym in town I think, but when I'm back in the zone and what have you. Until then, one month to try and do some real hard work, cuz LA Fitness has good facilities, the one in town is really basic.
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I'm up for it and you're right. If I allow myself another 5 days I could easily be 3 lbs heavier! We can always adjust the weigh in day later.

Right, New launch again tomorrow. Enjoy the day but make plans and prepare, then Monday we're there.

I think I shall plan my meals for the week today.
Hey lorny honey, are you set? I've munched my way through the day and think I feel ready to focus. Spent the day starting to get my house in order too (house a mess = food chaos). I'll weigh in tomorrow and see where I'm at.
So, I've made a start and had homemade muesli for breakfast which was yum. I've not had anything else since (a good sign) and am off to the dentist now, so no munchies til lunch. I'm pleased so far. I need to do a bit of a plan still, but also have work to do, which I worry will make me mindlessly eat so I've got my fingers crossed I can hold it together.

I'm 1/2 lb under 13 this morning so scraped that by the skin of my teeth! 2st to go!
What do you mean, half pound under 13? I've weighed and I'm 3lb heavier than I was before you went away. It's not as bad as I thought! I'm feeling focused, I've been tidying too but I'm out with my friends for drinks today, like we usually do. I might stick to double spirit drinks at 2pts each, rather than 2 desperados a pop at 2.5 each. I won't be as drunk as usual, and I'll be able to enjoy without going too far over, since that double will be made to last the length of time it takes them to drink the two desperados. That's 3pts saving a round!

I really want to get everything back on track, I'm so glad you're back now! I haven't eaten yet, but I've had a few coffees. I have bagels but I don't know how many points they are, probably 4 or something.
My weigh in day is Monday, so it'll be nice to do it together!

I'd totally convinced myself that I'd put on this week after all the junky/travelling food. I also had a friend's birthday meal out on Saturday but I did super well - SO chuffed with myself. Skipped the bread roll and a starter, had a couple of olives while I waited for my mail of oven baked monkfish wrapped in parma ham with a pile of veggies (no potatoes) and strawberries and a single scoop of vanilla ice cream for pud... 6.5points! So I celebrated with a large glass of wine :D

Just been and weighed myself: 3lbs off :D SO HAPPY!

I have faith in you Lorny and Hules... you can do it!