So the Weigh in last night was always going to be bad...
Not as bad as I thought 1lb gain plus its TOTM!
All day yesterday I had my head set on moving to Lite! I even posted a thread on Lite asking how the plan works etc!
Then I had a chat with Mags (thanks Mags) Mags had kindly pointed out that even if I did move to Lite I would still continue to lapse because it's me allowing it to happen, it doesnt matter which diet i'm on!
It was like a light bulb went off!
When I got to class and spoke to my LLC she recommended that I talk about it in group, which was really helpfull, one of my questions were.... "I'm really missing chicken, yet I choose to eat chocolate...?" Why do i choose the most unhealthy food of the two..?
My rebelious child knows that eating chicken isnt as naughty as the chocolate, and the fact that I have been doing it in secret too, I might be seeking attention..? just as children do, she then asked me what would I do if my actual child did something they arnt suppose to do.... what would I do..?
My responce was to sit them on the 'naughty' step lol which isnt a bad idea to do to myself... if I feel the urge to have a lapse take a time out and think about the pro's and con's, before consuming... or to make the action concious, sit at the table put the food item on the plate get a knife and fork, rather then scoffing it in secret and pretending it never happened...
I found it very helpfull and feel completely re-focused, i'm back on that high!
This week is going to be a great week!
Thank you everyone for your support!