Oh Guys, I have been so badly behaved with regards to food, chocolate, alcohol, I can't begin to tell you.
I have huge stresses to deal wtih at the moment and unfortunately I am not in the club of weight falling off me when I am stressed but I am in the comfort eating club. :cry: I have done so much damage since last week.
I am going to do my best to get back on track - I have to look at it that if I make myself ill by ballooning again, I will not be any good to deal with the issues I need to deal with......which are going to be long term :sigh:
So today and tomorrow I will do my best to stick to 29 only, weigh in on Wednesday......if I have put on 4 or less I will be delighted!

Then I think the Wendy plan from Wednesday.
Sorry for being miserable, but will post my diary and be a good girl!
Breakfast - 40g All Bran with strawberries and rasbperries (3)
Lunch - Home-made tomato soup (0) with Tesco LC meal (5) and fresh vegetables
Tea - Wholemeal pitta pocket (4) stuffed with ham (1), rocket and pea shoots, cucumber, EL mayo (1), tomatoes, Walkers Square (3), Strawberries and Raspberries with ML vanilla (2)
Snacks - milk for tea and cereal (2) Picnic (6)
Total today 27/29