So last time I wrote a little diary entry here things weren't going so well on the diet front for me.
I never had the guts to go back to Slimming World
which is a shame so inevitably i ended up having a bit of a 'i-feel-sorry-for-myself-binge'... okay... i admit... twas a big binge.
All i've been thinking about it going on Liprotrim or excante because, as I've said before in the diet world i really am an all or nothing kinda girl.
I can't afford them diets though, I'm a newly graduate looking for work so I had a little think of my options and then decided what I was going to do.
On Monday I started a new diet.
I HAVE: a slimfast shake for breakfast,
a slimfast shake for lunch,
and a bowl of soup for dinner.
basically i'm consuming 500-600 calories per day.
am I hungry?
how am I feeling?
awesome, actually.
I have to admit my tummy was upset the first couple of days (must be because of the shock to the system), but its calmed down now.
I actually feel like I can do this, y'know.
I'm so happy to be writing something positive for a change
And I want to say a HUGE thank you for all of you lovely people checking up on me.
I hope you're all doing well.
2 weeks until my Graduation <3