Red Riding Hood
Silver Member
Thanks, Gail! It really is nice to have words of encouragement from other SW followers who are so successful with their losses. I am SO determined to lose weight and follow the plan correctly.
I have come to the conclusion that I am definitely not having enough syns throughout the week. I think that, to make a start, I will count the splashes of milk in my coffees as syns, rather than a HEa - I use skimmed milk during the week, and seeing as a pint (596ml) lasts me the entire week, there is no way I use my 350ml HEa every day! That will immediately up my syns, and mean that I can have some cheese (!! I love cheese!) during the day. I can honestly say that I don't feel deprived (at the moment) by not having my syns, but I know that by not making an effort to have them I am not following the plan 100%, and that, in the long run, I'm doing myself no favours as I'll be more likely to have a crazy binge. Fortunately that day has not come! But I'd like to minimise the chances of it coming around before it does...
It's quite funny that you and I run in sync with these thoughts regarding syns. I just finished saying similar in my diary. Although I'm sorry to say mine isn't as upbeat as yours
I'm really glad to see you feeling lots better and being happy. You have such a great attitude and so positive. I need to take a leaf out of your book.
I want to say well done for doing so well when eating out. It really is very impressive.
I'm off out to get the smallest child now but I'll read that article on my return.
Keep smiling