I'm expecting on going in to work tomorrow, although its now nearly 2am and I have to be up at 6am....so not going to be in much of a state to teach. Dont want to go in, but I dont want to be hanging around here either.
It would probably be best for you to call in sick, last thing you want is to have a meltdown in public, everything is still very raw for you right now, you need time to think, go visit your friend 2moro the one with the baby, they're your friends too, make it clear that they don't need to pick sides, that will make it easier for them to remain friends with both of you.
I'll try to advise you as best I can, but at the end of the day, they would only be my opinions so dismiss where necessary to suit your own situation :gen126:
Any chance of contacting the rescue place that took your cats and seeing if its possible to get them back, probably not, but no harm asking eh! Funny enough I've experiences something similiar too, well a landlord I once had forced me to give away my dog at the time, luckily my parents took her in, but I cried on and off for the guts of a year, parents lived miles away and I only got to see dog at the weekends, really missed her in my flat. I've since bought my own house and have two dogs and a cat, and NOBODY will ever take my furry little kids from me :giggle:
I'm liking your positive list..
1) I will be able to drive again. Really missed that!! Love driving and listening to music, find it v. relaxing & can have a good sing.
I sing my way up and down the motorways daily 
2) I will be able to get my own place eventually and decorate it how I want - not have to compromise on colours / furtiture etc. (It wont be the gorgeous house I had before, but I'm sure I will be able to afford a nice house sooner or later)
and you get to own the remote control, this is uber important to a tv addict like myself 
3) I can have a cat / cats. Not my cats that I to pointlessly (I am really upset /annoyed about that) rehome, but I can have another and this time I will not give them away...for nothing or no one.
I wholeheartedly agree with this one :gen126:
4) I wont have other people's rubbish to throw away / washing to pick up / mess to tidy away.
Yeh, you can return to being an adult, not having to ask permission to spend your money, you can go out when you like, come home when you like, personal freedom is underated in my opinion :giggle:
5) I look far better now than I did when I left cos I have lost 2 stone.
Cant think of anything else at the moment.