jan9209 said:Ding dong the fat Is gone! that's the 7 pound truly gone this morningback to the hard work now shifting past this 21 pound loss to look even more ahmazing
morning all xxx
jan9209 said:Got my life daughters first birthday party today ohhhh lord give me the strength to stay away from the cakes and cookies!!!
jan9209 said:That's exactly it Pollyshe had a naming day and we signed as life parents
jan9209 said:Got my life daughters first birthday party today ohhhh lord give me the strength to stay away from the cakes and cookies!!!
jan9209 said:Wtf when did ovulating become painful? Most have missed that bit in school!!!!!x
jan9209 said:Haha it must be Pollyit's all so confusing I have been on the jag since I was 16 so didn't have any periods until a few months ago. I had to come off as I had been on it for so long it can cause bone problems so it's all hitting me like a wimp lol
I was worried my bladder and kidney infection was back due to weird pain I have *and other things I shant disgust you with* lol but I have since been told its actually ovulation pain!!! I'm turning back into a woman and I don't like it!!! Xxxx