The diary of Janalot :)

Offft you not blaming me lady Jane! I made two batches and held back :() 3 cakes!!!

Yea ellie I love it too so proud I didn't hinge my jaw and eat the lot lol went down a treat in work 10 out of 10!!! How good is that I can officially calm down that I can make tablet for my wedding favours! :)

Didn't end up making the chocolate one was too scared lol x
My choice of shoes have been discussed a LOT this week! Lol

They suit your personality xxx fun...
I get that often lol chubby to be just rolls his eyes at me :) he has a cheek almost 40 and wears family guy jammies ! X
love your baffies :D id wear them but the dogs would steal them thinking it was their teddies lol
ditto... thought id have a glas sof wine.... bottle later oops
Ellie I'm so drunk right now! Was at a 50th with an old best friend I've not seen for 3 years who's husband isn't very well :( was great to see her had a ball :) watching big bang and resisted cupcakes!!!!
jan9209 said:
Ellie I'm so drunk right now! Was at a 50th with an old best friend I've not seen for 3 years who's husband isn't very well :( was great to see her had a ball :) watching big bang and resisted cupcakes!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!
This makes me love u ever more! X
Make that 4 lol
lol... im out again tonight at a 4oth..... theme is bak to black so im getting vamped up... feel rough urghh
ellie1969 said:
lol... im out again tonight at a 4oth..... theme is bak to black so im getting vamped up... feel rough urghh

Get some ginger beer I feel fine now! Always swear by it!
Lovely mixed with gin as well!
Have a lovely night huni xx