The dreaded bridesmaid dress diet!

Morning... Just weighed in and I am 19.4 today - 6lbs loss - so that's 27.5lbs in just over 5 weeks, I will weigh in again on Tuesday so I'm back to my normal day :)

Much better than I thought :) happy...
Hey... Well I made a the decision that I would have a day off today, it has been the good and drink festival in York for the last week or so and I've avoided it but it was the last day so decided to go with my bf. I had a carb free breakfast, one saudade with onions in a bread roll, cheesecake and a glass of champagne... I well and truly enjoyed it and now feel ready to get back to the diet!! The festival was great, got a few Christmas presents and some herbs and spices for myself.

At home now for the next 2 weeks... Might be starting a new job on Tuesday so I'm just going to put my head down and get on with it again now...

Time to move down in to the 18 stone bracket and the size 18 clothes!!

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend :)
Back to it today... Day 42 today I think... I've decided to move my weigh in day to a Friday as that's been my weigh in for the last few weeks rather than Tuesday's... Gives me a few days to get rid of the weekends little cheat too... It may stress me out that I'm not in sync with the weeks properly and move it back... Watch this space....

Anyway my tummy is talking to me so I'm guessing I'm well and truly our of ketosis but I've drink plenty of water and it's not been too bad... Roll on tomorrow :)
Morning.. Sneaky peak at the scales this morning and they are the same as when I weighed in on Friday so hopefully not too much damage done over the weekend and maybe still see a small loss on Friday to get the October challenge going! Was hoping to get into the 18's this time but I think it's very unlikely that's going to happen!! Next week... :)
So I got a new job... I start tomorrow! Should make sticking to the diet easier! :)
Thank you... Really nervous! Got a posh job title and an assistant??! Bit scary because I'm a social worker and this is a completely different job to what I am used to... It's all going to be fine... He he he
Congratulations! That's brilliant news. And also phew on the weight front! It's nice that you enjoyed yourself but managed to get back on it. Shows your head is in a good place! :) yay you! Xx
Congratulations! That's brilliant news. And also phew on the weight front! It's nice that you enjoyed yourself but managed to get back on it. Shows your head is in a good place! :) yay you! Xx

Thank you!
Soooo... The dresses are going back!!! As lovely as they are there so tiny!! My friends mum who is 10/12 tried on the 18 and she could pretty much wear it.. There is no way I'm putting that much pressure on myself! Agreed to wait until after Xmas to start looking again :)
Survived the first day of my new job.. Had a shake before I went and took a bar with me, having chicken stir fry tonight and need to have another pack.. Running out of shakes but I've really gone off the meal packs and I've got loads of them :-(
Survived the first day of my new job.. Had a shake before I went and took a bar with me, having chicken stir fry tonight and need to have another pack.. Running out of shakes but I've really gone off the meal packs and I've got loads of them :-(

Well done surviving your first day and sticking to plan :).

Me too with the meal packs. I used to hate the shakes too but think I was putting too much water in them and making them flavourless. So less water, some ice and well blended and I'm enjoying them. Il be having soup for breakfast at the rate I'm avoiding them x
Well done surviving your first day and sticking to plan :). Me too with the meal packs. I used to hate the shakes too but think I was putting too much water in them and making them flavourless. So less water, some ice and well blended and I'm enjoying them. Il be having soup for breakfast at the rate I'm avoiding them x

I love the shakes :) I use about 500ml and ice and there yummy!!
I add ice too to make them thick and frothy! Yum yum!!
