glad your cat is feeling better. I always worry so much about my dog when there is anything vaguely out of the normal. I guess he is my child substitute!
I go on holiday on Tuesday. I should be excited and looking forward to it but I have a cloud of apprehension about spending the time with OH to be honest
I have done something I am not allowed to do, I shouldn't have done but I needed to and I'm glad I did.
I had some chocolate.
I have been thinking for a while that I need to see what my reaction is to eating something that I'm not allowed and I felt it was a bit of a scientific experiment
When I started CD, a colleague had bought me a bag of Aero Bubbles. I put them in my drawer at work and left them there. I took them out yesterday and tried one. They tasted greasy and stale (even though well in date). Not nice.......I tried a second and it tasted the same, so I threw them away

I just didn't have that 'urge' to scoff them.
So today, I took out a bag of champagne truffles I've had in the drawer at home for a couple of months now and tried one. Vile, absolutely vile. The cheap alcohol in them tasted really accentuated and the cheap chocolate (I think they were about £1.50 for the whole bag) tasted greasy again. I haven't chucked these but I'm going to melt them at some point and make a sauce for a desert for OH.
I felt that it was a combination of taste bud 'enhancement' ie not just slinging anything in my mouth anymore and so being able to really taste something and also the lessening need to just 'eat' all the time because in the past I've eaten chocolate/cakes etc even though I haven't particularly been enjoying them.
So, although I did something 'bad' I felt I did it for research purposes and I'm pleased with the result
Sharon, say 'I told you so all you want' I never thought I'd be anywhere near the 20 in that top and I am still struggling with how I look in the mirror. Sideways on I look bizarrely small but the tags in my clothes are all still obviously 22/24 and so I'm still 'huge'. It is all still a big mish mash of self -image in my head.
I was sat thinking today about the seat belt on the plane and really need to realise I won't need my secret extender. I won't, I just won't. It's been a comfort blanket (albeit one I've despised having because of what it represents) but I have to leave it behind and trust in what I've achieved.