When you change to 810, and then 1000, do you stay in ketosis if you are careful with your eating?
I think it is 'light' ketosis and I don't think so at 1000.
minusfour said:
When you get back from holidays, will you go back to SS? How long can you stay on SS- is it a time thing, or a closeness to goal weight determination?
Yep, plan is that I am back on Saturday 15th and re-start the next day, a normal Sunday weigh in. I will see what the damage is and back on SS. I might though stay on SS+ with 4 products as I am finding it nice to have an extra item during the day. Depends what it does to my weigh in on Sunday

I am only an inch short of being on 4 sachets/bars anyway so I think SS+ will be nice to do. I will be able to do 12 weeks SS/SS+ and then it's a week of 810 and then back to SS/SS+ until I'm within a stone of target.
minusfour said:
When you are getting close to/at goal weight, and start eating increased fats, will the gall bladder problem-if it is that- come back, or does losing the weight actually help solve it?
It's quite probable that it will flare up if I go mad and start eating fats again. I fit the stereotypical gallbladder profile of 'fair, fertile, fat, female, forty' perfectly! I think weight loss helps, but my Mum lost loads and basically it was so they could remove the gallbladder, it wasn't hard though as she was in a lot of pain with eating most things by then.
I have decided on my 5.5 stone bead which is 3 pounds away. I have found a silver tulip bead which I feel is perfect to reflect the Minimins 'me'

Fingers crossed I can buy it on Sunday.
I am trying to fathom out the lack of reaction still at work. Only 4 people have actively noticed and said something from a staff of around 40 and we are all very close knit in a small building so know each other really well. I've decided it's a mix of not noticing, noticing but not wanting to offend, noticing but still see me as 'me' or not being able to bring themselves to say something. I say the last group because there have been a couple of women who I have seen a number of kind of pursed lipped sideways looks when I walk past them as if they are trying to look me up and down without their eyes moving and then a glassy stare forwards. It's weird.
I started my bookkeeping course last night. I work where it is held and know the classroom well. It has an outer horseshoe of chairs facing the walls and the computers. It then has an inner horseshoe ring of chairs facing inwards onto desks. I have always been careful where to sit so nobody has to try to get by me but also having the easiest escape route in that I have the least number of chairs to pass (ie ask people to squeeze in). I did the same instinctively last night and had a slight panic when I needed to move past someone but it was much better than in the past. The last learner to walk in was sat at the front and was much, much heavier than I would have been when I started. The tutor went round with a document and then went to pick them up. She laughed and said 'you won't be able to get past me' and the tutor took hers and came back the other way. I felt a kind of emotional 'pain' for her in the feeling of shame that someone can get past but then has to turn back as I've had it happen to me in another room last year on a few occasions
I also had a very shamefully selfish thought (almost one of relief) that for once there was someone in the room bigger than me. Whenever I go out, I always look round and 99% of the time I always used to be the biggest woman there and I used to feel so self conscious. I was also quietly aware of the looks others in the room were giving her and I thought - I guess that is how people used to look at me

and I guess they still do if they don't know me. But.....not for much longer