The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

aaah trudy... horses and children playing you up! You are such a good Dukan chef... I must take note of some of your recipes because I've become a lazy cook and am too much in a routine...

my nephew used to do that trudy... even used to make himself sick if we were eating.... it was infuriating and very offputting having a child vomit on purpose in the middle of dinner... he problem was though that the mother and grandmother had caused this by taking lumps of food out his mouth when he was small as he just rumbled them round in his mouth so then that caused issues with anything that needed chewing so he would throw up when he seen us eating... he used it as a very good way of getting attention. hes an adult now and still only eats turkey dinasaurs chicken nuggets & mcdonalds style chips and has to have them cut up
Oh lordy, hope Ben doesn't keep it up till then!!! Managed a small bowl of chicken/mash/carrot and gravy though he did mess around half way through and spit a mouthful in the bin and I thought it was the end of it but he did then eat the rest of the bowl so phew - don't think we have climbed the mountain yet but we are getting there. Don't know why I am feeling fatter this week but I am - got a few PP days lined up so hopefully that will help. Gotta throw away the pancake syrup as been having that most days and not sure it is the best!!! Did go out to lunch and had the standard steak and salad - but really wanted the home made chicken nuggets, chips and beans, followed by a muffin whilst everyone else had birthday cake so giving myself a pat on the back for that!!!!!

Anyway PV day today:-
B - 1 muffin
L - steak/salad/muffin
D - fillet steak/swede/carrot/onion and mushroom sauce/1 muffin/syrup/tofu creme

So need to take a photo of my dinner when I make it again - so pretty and totally tasty - who says Dukan is hard!!!!! Well it might be sometimes but heck it's worth it!!! LOL
aaah trudy... horses and children playing you up! You are such a good Dukan chef... I must take note of some of your recipes because I've become a lazy cook and am too much in a routine...


Hmmm not sure about that Maintainer - do love my Dukan food though - still need more variety on a PP day!!! Ur weight loss going great I see - nearly into the sixties again!!! What an feeling that will be - are you feeling better since january and getting back on the wagon! ?
im sure he will be fine trudy :) at least he eats veg :p does he try things that ur having ?? my son was a fb eater and even when we took him out to restraunts at a young age he would always try something new.... i used to panic incase he didnt like it but he eats almost anything. only thing he cant eat is pickled onions lol
Often he will ask to try something that I am eating as we usually eat at different times due to my diet and that five o'clock is just too early for my dinner!!!! Then he tries chicken and other meats and sometimes he thinks they are okay...... Had a word with the child minder today who feeds him all day long and said absolutely no snacks till I tell her otherwise as often he comes home with no appetite cos he has been snacking all afternoon!!!! So we shall see tonight - cottage pie on the menu with extra carrots which normally is no problem so hopefully that will give us both a break and help him to realise that not every day will involve new things to try!!
fingers crossed for you xx
So dinner was uneventful - all cottage pie eaten with no hesitation so strawberry yoghurt followed after a swim in the pool now it's up and running again!!! He is obviously going through a 'phase' cos he had total meltdown at me going to a certain point in the pool and again when he went under water for a second (he is well used to going under as we have done it since he was a couple of weeks old) so I guess this will pass! Food thing not helped by Daddy who feeds him rubbish at every opportunity - turn your back for a second and they have been off to McDonalds! LOL! Note to self - do not over react!!!
Horses pretty good today, both bosses home this weekend so nice to see them and spend time with them. Weather is amazing which is making everything soooo lovely. Foal is getting bigger every day - gonna do some pics of him tomorrow so may have an update for you all.
This time last Saturday we were enjoying the murder mystery night, tonight I am tired and not looking forward to losing the hours sleep!!! Love the extra light in the evening though!!! LOL!

PP day today

B - 2 muffins
L - turkey/ salmon
D - chicken with dukan bbq sauce/ 2 muffins/syrup/tofu creme

Thank goodness the syrup is nearly finished as I have been having it every day with my muffins and tofu creme!!! Hope the scales don't look too bad on Monday cos of it!! That will teach me!!!!
daddys are bad for kids... they give in too easy LOL
Another lovely sunny day and the horses were good if not great but for some reason I am feeling a bit ummmm??? Not sure why!!! Need to buck up! Dinner tonight a success with Ben, venison sausages and mash eaten without a murmur!!! So think we are at least half way up the mountain! Decided to leave the venison hotpot for tomorrow when I can have some veg so today as been a bit repetitive but enjoyed what I ate none the less!!! Day off tomorrow and got boring stuff to do but have promised Ben pizza for lunch (luckily there is an amazing veggie place that does wholemeal tasty little pizzas) so we will go there and I can have some fish and salad which should be nice!!! They also do ice creams so may even let him have one of those too seeing as it is Monday!!!

PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan with quark
D - mince flan with quark and dukan bbq sauce/ 2 muffins/syrup/tofu creme

Still think I have gained weight this week (syrup????) but put on a pair of new jeans I bought last week that had been through the wash and the tumble dryer so I expected them to be skin tight as they were snug to say the least last week and they went on easily so a bit confused - do jeans stretch in the tumble dryer????? Must do!!!! LOL
I've never know jeans not shrink in tumble dryer lol trudy looking like you've lost x dispite them mints :)
This mince flab folk mention (may be on wrong thread...), can anyone point me in right direction? Saw it in a diary before but can't for the life of me find it!
xeilidhx said:
This mince flab folk mention (may be on wrong thread...), can anyone point me in right direction? Saw it in a diary before but can't for the life of me find it!

Yes it was defo trudys recipie yum yum made it again today x
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Flab is meant to be flan!
Tis on page 15 of this diary, wasn't my recipe originally - can't remember poor lady who posted it first - I just blatantly copied it and reposted cos I loved it and someone asked - so huge apologies to the lady who made it up! Enjoy!
xeilidhx said:
Flab is meant to be flan!

How ironic on a diet forum...
Another two pounds gone - now lost 7 stone on Dukan - never thought I would get this far! Sooooo happy but still be glad when the syrup is finished - not re-stocking that little baby!
your amazing and im sure those last 2 stone will be a dawdle ;)
Trudy my hero, fantastic 7 stone whooo what an achievement well done xxx