The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Mare running milk Ellie - fingers so so crossed!!!! Confined to close quarters now as don't want to miss it!!! She is currently on our green grazing!!!! Fish pie sauce - I sautéed some mushrooms and garlic with a veg stock cube and let it reduce down then added a whole tub of co-ops own healthy options onion and chive cream cheese which is the same fat content as philly extra lite and then added it to cubed fish and prawns - I didn't have any smoked fish to use but that would have been yummy! Busy day tomorrow now thanks to mare as need to get to town fairly early to do some shopping then get Ben and the house sorted ready to leave, then off to photocall for the musical I am in - can't decide what to wear!!!! Maybe something new!!! LOL!!!!!Could do the house today but would all be undone by Wednesday morning!!!
Well a day confined to barracks has left me a bit stir crazy. Played outside with Ben for a bit and then went down the road to meet a friend for lunch - only 2 mins from the farm so we could whizz back if said mare decided to foal!!!! Eaten loads and loads today and although all 'allowed' on Dukan perhaps a few too many tolerated items so will rein myself in tomorrow!!! Back to PP day so should get me on the straight and narrow. Actually feel pretty bloated this evening!!!Ready for an early start tomorrow and then off first thing Wednesday morning!!! V excited!!! A friend popped in for coffee this afternoon and Ben was wiped out so had a long sleep. When he woke up we made some cookies for Daddy and decorated them too!!!! Was very surprised that I didn't want one at all - normally Daddy wouldn't have even known they existed as I would have eaten all but one of them - and that last one would have been for Ben - slightly liberating feeling not being controlled by a blimmin cookie!!!I love Dukan - though tough at times it is the best feeling in the world not being controlled by carbs!!!
Anway PV day
B - 2 muffins/ lemon tofu creme
L - steak and onion/ cabbage/ carrot
D - half serving each of fish pie and cottage pie topped with celeriac and BNS/ 2 muffins with more lemon tofu creme

What a piggy - but boy it was lovely!!!! Partly fuelled by the fact that I didn't really leave the house!!!
Didn't do a lot of exercise either so need to think about that tomorrow and really make up for it at the spa!
glad the fish pie was yummy ive just made turkey meatballs with similar sauce - paprika (put it in everything) garlic, black pepper, cumin & thyme odd combination but with xl philli sauce they were delish :)
they sound lovely chris

Trudy i didnt know you were going to a spa :p so jealous id love to go to one .... ive lots of trips planned this year :D
Heehee Ellie - did I not mention it!!!!
MARE HAS FOALED - bay colt born at 11.15pm - now up on his feet and needs to take a drink - not showing much interest in the milk bar yet!!! Photo to follow when I get to my office computer!
yay... so now you can totally relax on your break :D

dont you love those first moments after the birth when the mare whickers to the foal and the foal whickers back.... im teary just thinking about it ....roll on june till mines arrives.
Here he is at ten minutes old and another one to follow taken when he was a couple of hours old!!! :flirt2:


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aww hes lovely :D
Thanks guys - he was sooooo cute when we turned him out this morning for an hour! It was funny, the whole farm came to a standstill while we all stood and cooed at him - lovely!!!
Well I think I am am packed for my break - just a got a few things to do in the morning before I head off - just made a batch of muffins to take with me - don't want to miss out on them. Bought myself some lovely pj's and a classy slouch bag to take away - bet I have forgotten something!! But have my cossie, gym stuff and my knickers so I am fairly set!!!
Anyway PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - turkey, chicken thighs and leg
D - steak with soy/ginger, chicken breast with Dukan BBQ sauce/ 2 muffins and dukan custard
Hope you have a great time Hun xx
Okay it is official - I think I am in heaven. A trouble free drive to the spa, a free room upgrade and my muscles are aching already from the extra exercise - drank my weight in water and managed a pp lunch so may not have three PV days but will see how it goes. My room is heaven and the bed to die for - huge and all for me - gonna starfish all night just cos I can!!! Only got one treatment today at five which is a thalasotherapy one but have a lovely day of pampering tomorrow till my sports massage!!!! So far I have had a 15 min session swimming lengths, a 30 min Aqua Jog class (harder than I thought!), 20 mins on the cross trainer, 40 mins on the bike and 40 mins of badminton. Gonna take a swim later but a lazy one................Met a lovely lady playing badminton - I think I now have her life story - she is a foster carer and has been here since Sat and has been fasting for the whole time - she kept having to stop playing cos she felt dizzy!!! She is a size 10 and boy does she have food issues!!!! Lordy please never let me get that unhappy with food!!! She is fasting for a wedding on Friday - bless her just wanted to buy her a bar of choccy!
Anyway day so far:-
B - lemon vanilla tofu creme
L - turkey/beef/one slice of ham (yuck)/spoonful cottage cheese/2 muffins
D - not looked at the menu yet but hopefully PP but might just be a touch of PV!!!!
Foal hale and hearty and melting everyones hearts!!!
OMG im so jealous ... I wanna go to a spa NOW !! *stamps feet* hehe hope you have a lovely dinner x
Ellie do it- perfect revenge for hubby's valentine misdemeanour !!! Well just waiting for dinner to arrive, have chosen crab and salmon salad, hake fillet with tomato salad and ginger, passionfruit yoghurt, no wine just water - question is do I have the yoghurt - everything else can be considered Dukan but the passionfruit in there and probably sugar????? What to do ladies??????? What a dilemma!!! LOL. Really enjoyed my day and nice to be in my room watching rubbish telly. Spoke to Daddy and Ben who are still in one piece - Ben was too busy playing on the computer to talk - did Daddy not listen when I said not too much computer/tv/DS - I think they will both have square eyes by the time I get home. Oh, booked an extra night today - was due to leave at 4pm on Friday but would only have to battle rush hour traffic to get home so gonna leave about 10 on Saturday - Daddy not totally impressed!!!! Oh well!
hehe stuff him and enjoy it ;)
Ah ha they'll be fed up with male bonding by then! Good for you, I'm with Ellie on this, I only wish I was doing the same! Sounds a brilliant treat - enjoy!