The Gossip Dieter

Hi all :wavey:

Hope you all had a relaxing Sunday. I've felt a bit "blah" today. I'm not feeling very well, think I've caught a cold - the downside of working in a school really - so spent most the day lazing around with the toddler, or as much as you can laze when you have a 2.5 year old in the house. I did get moving at one point and make dinner :D the new favourite in our house - black bean burgers. I couldn't find black beans in any of our local supermarkets so I ended up getting them online with Ocado for an obscene amount of money. However, today the husband popped in to a smaller shop just down from where we live to grab tortillas and there they were 2 for £1. Much better value ;-)

One thing did cheer me up today. It appears I have dropped a clothing size already. I knew I had on the bottom half as I had to trade my size 24 black work trousers for size 22 at the beginning of last week. Then yesterday and today I have worn two different tops, both of them a 20 rather than my usual 22. I'm so happy! :character00238:

I forgot to mention on my weigh in post but my mum has offered to buy me a treat of my choice for every stone I lose :) she's an awesome mum. So for my first treat I ordered myself a copy of The New Rules of Lifting For Women. I'm ok regarding cardio at the gym but I have no idea what I am doing in the weights section. I want to make sure I am doing some weight work as I lose weight to help tone up some. This book came highly recommended. So far it's making an interesting read.

The weekend seems to have gone super fast and I have a feeling the week is going to go even faster because I'm not at work. Tomorrow we are shopping for the Halloween party :D I think the husband is more excited about it than the toddler and I are, bless him.
That's so sweet that your husband is more excited than you and the toddler :D

Well done on losing so much weight and doesn't it feel fantastic when you fir into smaller sizes!

All the best
Hiya, well done on having to get smaller trousers and wearing smaller tops, that is fantastic!! Isn't that always the way that you can't find what you want until you stop looking and it was more or less on your doorstep? Hope you are feeling better today and managed to get all the party shopping done. Enjoy your evening xx
Evening all :wavey:

I am feeling a lot less "blah" today which is good :D and I managed to complete most of my party shopping, just a few foodie bits to pick up the day before and I'm done. I discovered that Lidl had a large range of decorations in for a really good price so we got some giant ghosts to hang up and some window stickers as well as orange plates and cups. :) Success.

I'm feeling a bit fussy about food at the moment. Not sure why. I'm not feeling very inspired in the kitchen. The husband suggested veggie chilli for tonight but I'm bored with that, in the end he decided he only wanted beans on toast (easy!) so I am cooking up a batch of quorn meatballs in a tomato and veggie sauce. The husband hates quorn with a passion. To be honest I think he's just got it in his head he does because he's never even tried these meatballs but what can you do? So I'll freeze the left overs, it will make a decent stand by meal for me and the toddler.

So - I got distracted writing this and dinner finished cooking :D so I can tell you the meatballs were good! Still couldn't get the husband to try any though.

I thought today that I was going to have to stop going to Zumba/Weigh in. My friend who takes me doesn't seem to be going anymore and so I'm having to split taxi fair with my other friend M, then it's another £5.80 for the class. We also just got a HUGE gas and electric bill come in which means we have to do some serious budget cutting for the next few months - just before christmas as well. Joy. However the husband has said we'll still squeeze the money out for the class because it would be a shame if I couldn't go since I've done so well. He's a total sweetie :eek:

Anyone want to share some cooked meal ideas with me? I'm bored of doing the same old thing!
Glad you got most of the shopping done and that's good that you are still able to go to class. Have you asked around in class to see if someone else comes from your area and you can hitch a lift with them? Not much help on the meal ideas, sorry x
Well done on dropping dress size!! Whoop!!
Hi all :wavey:

Just a quick note tonight to fill you in on weigh in.

Tonight I:

LOST 4lbs!!

That's a total of 1st 7lbs (21lbs) in 6 weeks. I feel fab :D
Hi all :wavey:

I hope you are all having a great week so far. :)

I'm still feeling really great after my loss last night although I think I'm coming down with a cold which sucks a but since this is my week off work and we have the halloween party tomorrow.

Talking of the party, we went shopping for the food today. We now have a tons of crisps and cakes in the house - bad times for me. Since I've started losing weight I've made sure to keep anything like that out of the house, with the theory that if it isn't there then I can't be tempted. My plan tomorrow is to send any left overs home with friends and their children rather than having lots of junk food sitting in my house.

This is obviously the week of temptation because Friday night the toddler is staying with his grandparents and the husband and I, plus two friends, are cashing in a groupon for entry to a comedy club which includes glass of wine/beer and pizza. No way of making that pizza meal healthy really :argh:so my plan is to eat light meals before hand and keep the next day light as well to help balance out all those extra calories.

How does everyone else deal with temptation?
Morning all :wavey:

We had the big party yesterday :D it went really well and the kids had a great time. The toddlers spent a lot of time running between the living room and the playroom, dancing and playing with cars, trains and building blocks. They also enjoyed eating as much cake and chocolate as they could manage. I had one very hyper little man at bedtime. :eek: It was worth it though to see him having such a great time!

On the whole I did pretty well with the food situation. Before the party I had a spinach and Philadelphia wrap and a pink lady apple. That held me over quite well. During the party I had a couple of mini sausages but successfully kept away from the amazing looking pizza (which was HUGE! ) chocolate, cakes and crisps. :party0051: After the party finished I had some of the left over ham sandwiches and another apple for dinner. Not the healthiest of eating days (sadly lacking in veggies) but I was too tired to bother with cooking dinner.

This evening, we are going out to the comedy club in Nottingham. Anyone else have plans for this weekend?
Hiya, glad the party was a success and well done for staying away from the food. Hope you had a good evening at the comedy club. Enjoy your day xx
Party sounds like a huge success, well done!

I too have lots of crisps, nuts, lollies, sweets and chocolate treats in my kitchen today...have resisted far ;) I may have to pinch some of the apples though, and replace them tomorrow!
Hi all :wavey:

Just a quick post tonight as I'm sleepy and want to relax a little before bed. Weigh in result from last night.


So not a huge loss this week but I'll take it :D I'm hoping to shift 3lbs next week to bring my loss to a nice round 25lbs!

I'll post tomorrow to fill you all in on my week. Hope you're all good.
Hi everyone :wavey:

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. Started back at work this week and even though I'm only our for a few hours of the lunch period it really seems to make my day a lot busier. Probably because of the way it breaks it in to two sections. I started a post the the other day, got half way through and then up popped The Toddler and deleted it all. :mad: Not impressed, he can't resist fiddling with my laptop - it's because he is allowed to play with Daddy's computer.

We've had a great weekend. Today has mostly been relaxing with some house work thrown in but yesterday was pretty busy for us.
esterday I got up with him while husband had a lie in. When he appeared we got ready for the day. Our first activity was meeting a friend her daughter for some swimming. I haven't taken The Toddler since he was a baby :eek: so thought I ought to correct that really. Last time we went he clung on to me and left huge scratches down my back. This time he love it :D I'm so pleased because I think swimming is great. We spent about 45 minutes in the pool before the poor lad started shivering and his teeth chattering. We called it a day and took him home for a nap. I think I am going to start going swimming by myself again as well. They have an early morning adults only swim (7-9am) which I might try to get along to once or twice a week. I forgot how much I love the water.

After The Toddler napped, we wrapped up warm and headed to the biggest park in our city for a bonfire and fireworks display. I think mummy had more fun that anyone else ;) The Toddler liked the fireworks that looked like stars but he was a little "meh" about the rest. Luckily, he wasn't scared by the noise.

As far as eating goes, I think I've done pretty well this week but won't know until weigh in on Tuesday. I'm hoping for a bigger loss than 1lb but at the end of the day 1lb is 1lb and I won't sniff at it!

This evenings dinner was black bean burgers. I think this is definitely a new family favourite. In our house we tend to go through phases. We've just moved out of the veggie chilli phase. Now it's bean burgers. Wonder what will be next!

What's your favourite healthy meal?