The journey continues!

Well, it was a WS day, I'd forgotten I was going out with friends for dinner tonight - but I stuck to fish & fresh veg which was delicious, and ready for another TS day tomorrow. Feeling really good, and keep re-reading my reasons for doing this, in particular it's been trying to work out what is the real key incentive for sticking to this diet and getting all the way to my goal weight, and I think for me there are two main goals within my list,

The first is about being a good example for my daughter, and stopping the generational habits of being overweight

The second is about my own health, and giving me the best chance to be as healthy, fit and well as I can possibly be, giving me the most energy to do the things I really want to do.

I'm trying to keep focused on these two things, and they are helping me to stay on track. I was watching one of the older Biggest Loser USA's earlier, and it was something Jillian challenged one of the contests on, and it really struck home - I need to be really clear on what is a strong enough motivation for me to get me past any of the distractions and temptations all around me every day. Although I have a long list on my ARC, I think those two above are my real drivers, that if I can focus on are really worth a lot more to me than a chocolate pudding, or a glass of wine, or any of the other things that might tempt me.

Hmmm, time for a new day, and another TS day :)
cybill said:
Well, it was a WS day, I'd forgotten I was going out with friends for dinner tonight - but I stuck to fish & fresh veg which was delicious, and ready for another TS day tomorrow. Feeling really good, and keep re-reading my reasons for doing this, in particular it's been trying to work out what is the real key incentive for sticking to this diet and getting all the way to my goal weight, and I think for me there are two main goals within my list,

The first is about being a good example for my daughter, and stopping the generational habits of being overweight

The second is about my own health, and giving me the best chance to be as healthy, fit and well as I can possibly be, giving me the most energy to do the things I really want to do.

I'm trying to keep focused on these two things, and they are helping me to stay on track. I was watching one of the older Biggest Loser USA's earlier, and it was something Jillian challenged one of the contests on, and it really struck home - I need to be really clear on what is a strong enough motivation for me to get me past any of the distractions and temptations all around me every day. Although I have a long list on my ARC, I think those two above are my real drivers, that if I can focus on are really worth a lot more to me than a chocolate pudding, or a glass of wine, or any of the other things that might tempt me.

Hmmm, time for a new day, and another TS day :)

Well done, glad it's going well ;)
Going pretty well, although I've already had a soup and a bar, so I think the rest of the day may be quite long! Trying to drink some more water now. About to try a litre with 1tsp of the drink flavouring.
cybill said:
Going pretty well, although I've already had a soup and a bar, so I think the rest of the day may be quite long! Trying to drink some more water now. About to try a litre with 1tsp of the drink flavouring.

Hi Cybill. I also noticed the carb content and decided to water down the flavourings so only using 1tsp per litre of water. Now after 4 days using them diluted it's tasting lovely and still far better than plain "boring" water! Keep up the good progress. You are doing great! Xx
Hi Cybill. I also noticed the carb content and decided to water down the flavourings so only using 1tsp per litre of water. Now after 4 days using them diluted it's tasting lovely and still far better than plain "boring" water! Keep up the good progress. You are doing great! Xx
I tend to like squash quite weak anyway, so really enjoyed the 1tsp in a litre - and went down a lot more quickly than a litre of water - very nice for a bit of a change :)
:D That's great :D Well done you.

My fingers are crossed you will hear good news from your interview/assessment... When are you likely to hear back?

Any time in the next week, but hopefully in the next few days! I really hate waiting, but having started munching last weekend to try and ignore those feelings I've managed to get back on track since Monday - I'm determined, whatever they say, not to use food to either celebrate or commisserate!
Everything is crossed for you Rachel. And that's the right frame of mind to be in. It's hard but it will be worth it in the end - like you said in my diary, everything feels more difficult but unlearning the habits that meant we put weight on the first place can only be a good thing.

Hope your WI goes well tomorrow Rachel :)
Well weigh in done, and I stayed the same. Given last weekend, I'm OK about that, but really motivated to get my butt in gear and lose the rest of this weight. I've now been on this diet for 35 weeks. In the first 16 weeks I lost 5 stone, and in the subsequent 19 weeks I've lost 2.5 stone, it really is time to knuckle down and get this weight off. It's my Mum's wedding, my cycle ride and a weekend away with my inlaws in September, so I'm going to do as much TS as I can between now and then, and get back to losing 1 stone a month.
Oooh, just found this motivation calendar posted by Triple Whopper - it's great:

I've printed it now, on bright pink paper, and as I started this streak on Monday I've crossed off my first 5 days :) I'm going to go and stick it up now in the kitchen, and hope that I can use it to help keep me going.
Oh yes, and today is for my Dad, who died suddenly of DVT 5 years ago. I know he would be so proud of me, and really pleased that I'm addressing my weight /health issues. Today's for you Dad :)

*hugs* Cybill

That's the best motivation in the world - have a good day hun :)