The journey continues!

Hi everyone,

I'm back too. So here I am, just starting day 4 now and it feels fantastic to be back on the packs and know that I can see it all the way through this time to a healthy bmi. My head's in a good place, and I'm focusing on the end. I think last time I was running away from that huge weight, and once I got around the border of obese / overweight, it seemed 'good enough'. Having had time away, I know that it's not good enough, and I want to see it all the way through to healthy, to give me the most energy, and be kindest to my body. I want to set a good example for my daughter too, and to encourage my whole family that it really is possible to have our genes and be fit and healthy!

I'm disappointed in myself that I've put on nearly 2 stone from this faffing, but really glad to be back on plan now, and am committed to sticking on packs until almost Easter, and hope that will see me to the end of my weight loss!!! How exciting :) This weekend is a bit of a challenge, as it's a residential weekend in college, with a party tonight, so I need to stay really strong. I need to prove to myself that I can stick on packs again, I think I've got enough to see me through to the end of the week. I want to have done 7 days on plan before I do a reorder.

Anyway, that's enough of my waffle. I look forward to being on this journey with you all :)

Hope you all have a great weekend.
I read your post on the Exante website and learned about this forum. You are doing really well - I am really inspired by your story. I'm on day 4 of the total solution and I'm really suffering! I've lost 7lb already but all I can think about is food! My husband suggested I re-read all of the success stories again to keep me going and he was right - I feel a bit better!
I'd be interested to know if the constant thinking about food goes away or do I just have to suffer!
Thanks again for your story!

Hi Javanna,
I think after a few weeks the cravings do subside a bit, but I know for me it's been a fairly constant thing of learning to resist it. I think the first few days are harder, while you get your body used to ketosis, and get your head used to not having food! Once you're in ketosis hopefully you'll get a great energy boost and feel fantastic - which does help the motivation! (That and the great losses on the scales!)
I'm glad my story has helped you. I think for me the hardest bit at the start was even believing it was possible to really lose all this weight. (That's something I still battle with, and have had a good think about recently, and am finally at the point where I can believe it's possible for me to actually get into the healthy weight range! Now I just have to get there :) )

Good luck. This forum is great on days / hours when you feel a bit wobbly, as there are loads of inspiring stories on here and people to talk to who understand what you're going through!

It really is worth it though, the successes feel fantastic. Keep going, only a few more days and you'll have completed your first week... and that step on the scales will feel amazing!
Hi Rach,

there are so many of us feeling your pain! I think we all needed "time off" to help us re-focus :) ... I'm on countdown to a friend's wedding in April, and when I lost my 6 stones I was on countdown to a big family wedding, so I am hoping this will help me stay focussed :eek:

I'm considering starting a diary, but not sure I'll have much to say! :roofles: ... so I'll continue to browse for now.

Good luck :)
well done for getting back on. You can do this - just focus on getting through the first week - once the Ketosis fairy visits you know this gets so much more do-able xx
Hiya Rach, great to see you back :D xx
Thanks everyone, it really does feel good to be back. I'm at the end of day 4 and have dogbreath, so I'm pretty certain that fairy k has arrived. Hurrah.

As I'm away for the weekend, I can't jump on the scales either, which is probably good for me. Going to try and resist until Wednesday, which will be the end of my first week!

It feels really good to be back on track. I've managed to walk past biscuits, chocolates, all sorts so far this weekend. Got a party tonight, and have brought chocolates for it, and won't be eating any. This is so liberating :)
Well done on getting back on the plan! You have done so well so far and you deserve success! Do people at college know you're dieting? I'm trying not to tell people at work in case I fail!

Good luck at the party!
Well done on getting back on track chick!!

I hope the party goes well for you although you sound very determind so Im sure you will do just great!!

It will all be worth it on your first weigh in!! xx
Ah, I'm the opposite, I've told everyone I'm back on the diet. I've written it up on facebook, and told everyone what I'm trying to achieve. I find it easier if everyone knows, it makes it harder for me to go and eat something, and it also makes them less likely to push me into very tempting situations.

This is starting to feel a little like a Minimins reunion, it's fab. It's great to have such good company on the journey.

I'd hoped I wouldn't have had to make another weight loss resolution. However, my resolution as well as getting to the healthy weight is to stay there, so that next year, I really really really won't be making a weight loss resolution.

I am so excited that I can get to a healthy weight, and find out what it actually feels like to have a body that is as healthy as it can be. Watch out world!
cybill said:
Ah, I'm the opposite, I've told everyone I'm back on the diet. I've written it up on facebook, and told everyone what I'm trying to achieve. I find it easier if everyone knows, it makes it harder for me to go and eat something, and it also makes them less likely to push me into very tempting situations.

This is starting to feel a little like a Minimins reunion, it's fab. It's great to have such good company on the journey.

I'd hoped I wouldn't have had to make another weight loss resolution. However, my resolution as well as getting to the healthy weight is to stay there, so that next year, I really really really won't be making a weight loss resolution.

I am so excited that I can get to a healthy weight, and find out what it actually feels like to have a body that is as healthy as it can be. Watch out world!

Go Rach you sound so positive so glad you're back :D
Well done on getting back on track chick!!

I hope the party goes well for you although you sound very determind so Im sure you will do just great!!

It will all be worth it on your first weigh in!! xx

Oh yes, and I sat next to a table of chocolate all evening and didn't eat any, or drink any wine. I'm giving myself a big pat on the back :D:D:D
Nursetubs, thank you for sharing this mantra.

"it helps to think that the craving is just a feeling and you don't have to give in to it. It's a choice - eat and feel bad, don't eat and feel good"

I'm going to print this one out and try and imprint it on my brain!
Well done Rach :D

By the way, I'll copy your Facebook post when I get on the laptop :D xx
Woohooo, end of day 5 (I had a little cheese today too, but feel OK about that). 2 days to go and I'll have completed my first week. Still feeling in the zone (although rather tired now, so off to bed)

I'm sure I must be in ketosis, as I'm waking up at the crack of dawn again, wide awake. I'm loving the energy :):):)

Today though I did start obsessing and craving about food. Now I'm back home Im' going to print out that mantra, and stick it all over the kitchen and fridge to try and help keep me really strict.
Woohooo, end of day 5 (I had a little cheese today too, but feel OK about that). 2 days to go and I'll have completed my first week. Still feeling in the zone (although rather tired now, so off to bed)

I'm sure I must be in ketosis, as I'm waking up at the crack of dawn again, wide awake. I'm loving the energy :):):)

Today though I did start obsessing and craving about food. Now I'm back home Im' going to print out that mantra, and stick it all over the kitchen and fridge to try and help keep me really strict.

I had a couple of days like that too Rachel, couldnt stop thinking about food. I dont know why some days I get through just fine and others I struggle. Its not even hunger, just mind games but its so hard! :confused:

After somehow getting through it though I have to say the next morning I am really pleased I didnt fall off the wagon.

So you just stay strong and those horrible mind monsters will go away soon. :)

I too no longer want losing weight to be yet another new year resolution. If I can stop smoking, I can surely lose a bit of weight!!:eek:

Hope tomorrow is another great day for you!! xx
Half way through day 6 and still going well, although started obsessing over my little one's spaghetti hoops at lunch time... I don't even like them!!!

I've not drunk so much water yet today, maybe that's why. Hope you're all having a good day too :)
Hurrah, I've got through day 6, one day to go and that's a whole week on plan :):):) (I do hope the scales show something good. Were only showing 1lb loss when I stepped on them this morning. I'm hoping the magic fairies will work between now and Wednesday!)

Regardless of the weight though, I'm feeling so much healthier, my asthma is much much better, so I am definitely convinced that food makes a big difference to it (somewhere in the sugar or carb line :( ) Ah well, good to be feeling healthier already.

Day 7 tomorrow :)