You deserve it - we did afterall have a 10% challenge and you are SO going to beat me to it
although my weight is shifting again - even more this morning - yes I know I shouldnt scale hope - but it keeps me on track - so to hell with what we should do - I am doing it my way
well some thoughts on slimming world
I can sustain eating this way for every _ afterall I did it for a year e up smoking
I eat far less junk (empty calories - cakes crisps sweets) and as I dont need them thats not a bad thing
other diets allow me to as they are not as resticted so its easier to eat ready meals crisps etc and they really arent as good for you as good home cooked food - the problem - its more time consuming and on days when my knees hurt standing in the kitchen is a problem - so more batch cooking is in order
now I have just found out that my friend nearly lost her baby
she is 25 weeks at the moment and they want to keep her pregnant for at least three more weeks - but she will have a c section at 32 weeks
can anyone tell me how small this baby is likely to be - they want me to knit some premmie cardies as they are so expensive - thats fine but I have no idea what size I might have to make
right off to finish breakie and have a look around
oh and weight down a bit more this morning too

- might do a mid week ticker change - just to make me feel good