Pink Tulip
Full Member
LOL at the contortionist bit
. Yes, 80g all the veg (but it's only really spring onions and spinach) that's the veg, the rest are spices and herbs. The chick peas count as your protein allowance. I'm not too sure on cooking in bulk, but would assume that if you tripled or quadrupled all the allowances exactly and made the soup and then split it into equal (as equal as you smaller tupperwares, and freeze then that should be OK. It's such a nice day here today. I am watching the bunnies outside my office window basking in the sun...makes me want to go bask with them...hehehehe! Our office is on a pear orchard farm and the views are spectacular. I do love living in the countryside. Have you ever been to the UK Jillybeans? How many kids do you have and how old are they? I have two boys. One 16 and one 5! They are lovely but give me all my!