The journey to a new me!

Wow, that's a lot of water a day. I do 2.5 and the odd day of 3l (that's just water and not taking into account the extra water used to mix my products with). I know, if the obvious problems would change we'd be back in a heartbeat. I think most Saffas feel like that :sigh:. Someone in the office has gone and bought some pizzas for lunch. Ooohh, it smells and looks so nice, but it feels great being able to say 'no thank you':).
Morning Sunflower!!! (WHAT thread! I wanna go have a look - always looking to observe a fight!):hitthefan:

The challenge thread, I was getting fed up, I posted I was struggling and got no sympathy, no moaning no nothing. Four people posted and all they posted were their daily updates. Nothing else. Was getting upset and angry I wasn't getting any support.
Today I had a little mini victory myself....fitted in the size 18 skinny jeans comfortably and and wearing them to work today with a size 16 short sleeved top my mom gave me. Saw my mom this morning ahs she was complementing me the whole time on how noticeable the loss is and how nice I look. It was such a nice feeling:)!

Congrats pink tulip! That's fab! I can't even remember when last I was able to wear size 16 clothing! That is a real achievement well done!!!
Jillybeans and Sunflowerlady, how many litres of water do you manage in a day?

2.5litres. I sometimes slow down so have to drink a lot to catch up in the evenings but always make sure it's 2.5ltrs. Only just coming up to 1litre now so need to get cracking!
Our challenge thread? Oh Sunflower! Sorry man! Enlightenme always is so supportive but have noticed she's not been around alot lately... busy with her work? I get that you need support! :grouphugg:

I did so well at the start of this diet - the first 5 weeks was 100%, then started 'rewarding' myself... then became a weekly thing.... the thing is to acknowledge you are human, and will waver from time to time (I find in the week leading up to my period I will eat anything and everything)... I'm here for you?? x
I'm on my 3rd litre.... and will have another 750ml between when I get home and bed tonight..... my eyeballs are floating...
Big hugs Sunflowerlady! We all struggle from time to time. No one is perfect. Just remember how far you have come in only 8 weeks already and just think of it, if 8 weeks ago you did not start the CD, you would not have lost 16kg!! 16kg is a huge amount of weight and even if you yourself can't see a big difference, I am sure others can. My mom's doctor told her that for every bit of fat you see on the outside, you can bet your life there is twice the amount hidden under the skin in your body, around your organs and arteries! Your body is already benefiting from your weight loss. For me weight loss is not just about the outside and the way I will look (though the nice comments are lovely to hear) but it's also about becoming healthier. You are doing so well and are an inspiration to others like me!!
Morning ladies - well I lost 1.1kgs this week. I am relieved. Transition to eating has been very difficult! Thanks for your recipe ideas PT - I had scrambled egg with MEASURED 80g (ok, well.. more like 90g) veggies this week and was devine!

What was daily WI like this morning Sunflower??

I now have to wear a belt to keep my jeans up. These jeans I didnt fit into 3 weeks ago, so just shows, even if your weight loss slows, the cm's dont!
Morning ladies - well I lost 1.1kgs this week. I am relieved. Transition to eating has been very difficult! Thanks for your recipe ideas PT - I had scrambled egg with MEASURED 80g (ok, well.. more like 90g) veggies this week and was devine!

What was daily WI like this morning Sunflower??

I now have to wear a belt to keep my jeans up. These jeans I didnt fit into 3 weeks ago, so just shows, even if your weight loss slows, the cm's dont!

Well done on the WI jillybeans! It's always good web the transition works! Now you can keep up with it knowing that you will still lose!

My WI this morning was +100g... The blip I would guess...
Well done Jillybeans! That's a fantastic loss!
Sorry, meant to say that its exciting stuff that you have a date. Is it someone you know or a blind date?
Did an SS+ day. Walked 4.5 miles today followed by a healthy chicken wrap with salad for lunch. A friend had the same and said its ok but not great and I was sitting there making yum yum noises as I was digging into it! Lol!

Went to matalan today and bought three new tops. Two size 18's and one size 16!!!!! I don't think I have ever owned a size 16 in my adult life!!!!
Blind date!!! EEekkk!

Well done Sunflower! You will be buy some more size 16's in the next few weeks!

Off out now!
Fantastic Sunflowerlady...size 18 and 16 tops!! It's such a nice feeling when you fit into that next size down:). And double wow on walking 4.5 miles! That's some serious exercise. I went out with friends last night for dinner and had grilled chicken and a side salad with some balsamic vinegar. Was so glad that the chef agreed to make it for me, as it is not a dish that was on the menu. It was hard though watching everyone else have starters, mains and desserts and lots of bread on the side :sigh:. But I survived.:) Won't be doing that in a hurry :p I have my WI tomorrow morning and really hoping for a 3lb loss. fingers crossed!

A blind date....Ooohh, very exciting Jillybeans! You'll have to let us know how it went. Hope you both had a lovely weekend.
Blind date is on Weds as its a bank holiday here.

Weekend ended with a BOOM - and a lindt bunny on its moer. It had to be done. His doey eyes had been staring at me since easter!

Went to visit a friend and sat drinking WATER the whole afternoon whilst they snacked and drank coffee.... I am now having a cup of coffee with skimmed milk (and a candarelle) in the mornings... LOVING it! Must take some skimmed milk to work tho as they dont stock it....

Decided I need to do SS today to detox after my bunny chow-down.

Whats WI today Sunflower?

PT, I hate going out and watching people eat so thats why I dont do it. I've become a hermit. I need to start getting a life back (hence trying to date!)
LOL at the Lindt Bunny Jillybeans! I cant want to have some milk again, do miss coffee. Don't like it without milk. I had my WI today and lost 4lb this week. Very happy:). Am going to do a bit of exercise on my WII fit tonight. Didn't do any last week. We are having a new kitchen fitted at the end of the month and have just realised that I won't have a stove for a week and a half :eek:so need to start cooking some SS+ dishes and freeze them so that I can just heat them in the microwave. Jillybeans, can't wait to hear how your date went. How have you been today Sunflowerlady?
I started having coffee again last week with skim milk - I"VE MISSED IT!

Where are you Sunflower? x
You have been very quiet Sunflowerlady, hope you are OK?