Well Ive been up since 6am and had a peppermint tea but nothing else yet. Told myself I would wait until 8am for my shake. Didnt sleep too well last night, but feeling kind of buzzy. Must be the keto fairy. I am not getting hung up on testing for ketones this time, since last time I would become obsessed with it, then I would find ways to tweek the diet and still stay in Ketosis (yes there are plenty of ways) this time, for the first 6 weeks at least I want to stay at least 100% Give myself the best shot of getting slimmer for my trip away. If I still go that is...
New starter : I am the heaviest I have ever been at the moment, 14st 11. I am 5ft 5 so have a BMI of 34, which is kind of irrelevant anyway since BMI is a very medical way of looking at things. I am hoping to get rid of those 11lbs this week. But we will see. I can't believe I weigh that much, but there it is. Hard facts are difficult to swallow.
It's funny - this morning I have been thinking about my bad binging behavior over the last year. That said Its taken a year to bang on 3 stone. To expect it to go in 6 weeks is insane isnt it! I will have to just do what I can do and suffer the consequences of my in-laws tut tutting. My plan is, that if I go away I am staying on plan as much as possible which means packing meal packs. Hahah. I know people will probably say "what????" but I feel that if I get 6 weeks under my belt I really dont want to suffer the first week again. I can probably eat bits and bobs, but follow a ketogenic plan. Lots of olives and lamb chops

But I figure that in Turkey I will swim, I will walk, I will drink copious amounts of water and sweat like duck in a Chinese kitchen. So this means I could lose a lot of weight while there, rather than gain.
Hmmm, anyway It;s shake O'clock. Mint chocolate with hot water, I am coming to get you