You've done brilliantly, Bev. The hardest part is not keeping on the wagon, it's getting back on it when it seems to be hurtling off without you. It's so, so easy to say 'tomorrow, next week, at the weekend, monday' for months and months, I think we've all been there! I'm really proud of myself for getting back on it when I intended to. I was off plan for an extra day, but that's because I didn't plan well enough and didn't have any packs with me here.
Anyway, I've been weighing on the scales here which are in kgs. I assumed that way I could track it without being put off by the numbers because I don't understand them. I think I'm now at the weight I was before I came off plan, so anything else is fresh fat. That means I did minimal damage if it's off in 2 days. I lost on the first couple of days of eating, but gained in Paris (which I expected) and had some emotional chocolate when I woke up in a panic on Friday night about a parking ticket I'd forgot to pay. It's good that I can I'm on day 3 now, not quite in ketosis but feeling good and in no way tempted to cheat.
This being in control lark is pretty good, eh? We're totally kicking butt!
(Hopefully smaller butts very soon, too).