So I'm back. And it's been such a bloomin difficult week for so many reasons.
The house has finally dried out (still no electricity in the dining room though and ceiling is a mottled mess) - Hurray.
The diet has been disastrous - boo.
It's really weird, but I was desperate to come back on here, and dreading it at the same time
it's so difficult to admit the superwoman powerhouse Me has been in a funk of mental misery...... And eating my way through it. How embarrassing. Do I never learn?
I feel so ungrateful to realise how much living hand to mouth in an impermanent agency role is depressing and, honestly terrifying, me. I have no savings buffer - so at the whims of others I could be out of a job/mortgage /ability to pay bills with a weeks' notice. I know I've been in role for 18 weeks ago have some protection (notice wise) but who knows what those protections are?
And I've been feeling so 'off my game' since the surgery - the flood just sent me into a tail spin. And my poor Sunshine Boy. I've been falling him. There I said it - that's what's pulling me down the most. For the first time ever over not been cracking the whip on his lazy behind with GCSE revision and not been on my game with college applications - I insisted King Twat do some work for once. Result? SB has been offered a place in the one college I researched (40 miles away in case we have to move back to London). I just can't find my energy or FIGHT.
But. Here I am standing. Much to do and much to conquer but this too shall pass. It has to. Straight on to Connexions today to see what colleges and sixth forms there are in Bucks worth applying to!
My size 14s no longer do up, but I'm d@mned if I'll be miserable about being FAT on top of everything else!!!!! And TOTM is due! Lol
Feeling strangely hopeful today - wish me luck xxx