Step 1 Sole Source The Last Re-start!

Congrats on day 2 Bev! Love that high floaty feeling when you've had a great day and the plan doesn't feel like a struggle at all :)
Morning Beverage! You'll be on day 3 today right? Ketosis should be here are very close? Just to remind you that I struggled getting back to vlcd for a while and off and off approaches until this time. The difference a single minded selfish almost approach. It's about me approach no one else. F*** the stresses in my life I am doing this and it won't be easy but I've done it before and I will again.

Keep strong and fight this you've done it before and will do it again.
I'm back and not hungover :D

Sorry you have had a grim time of it. The sibling thing is so hard when dealing with parental ill health. I know and things haven't got really difficult for us in terms of them needing care yet. I think, as someone said, text can be difficult and misconstrued. Also it's something we have never had to practise - cooperating to look after the parents. There is always one that is useless and allowed to be - we've all played the game for years so it's hard to break the pattern. Mine is only ever able to see things inside her own head. Once when I was going through a really sad break up and went to my nieces birthday party, we had a meal after and my sister cried and went on in front of us all about how she hated teaching etc. Nothing about me and I was really broken up. One of the lovely things about my birthday that I had chance to sit and eat, drink and laugh with my two sisters without any conversations about the parents. It was like meeting again as friends. Rare opportunity but healing for all the little rifts that have built up recently.

Glad you are finding your mojo again. Be selfish and put yourself as near to the top of that list as you can, whenever you can. You are so worth it.
Bev I meant Bev not beverage! Silly autocorrect!

Clin! You're back! Will drop by your thread! Hope both of you having fab day. Xx
Hope you've had a great day 3 Bev! Once you're over these few days you'll be flying!
Hi Beverage! (sorry Kira couldn't help myself :rotflmao:)

How are doing today girl? in keto already?

Hi guys, got a spare few seconds and just had to pop in and update you - I've been catching up on threads while running around keeping all the plates spinning and :D

I had a great day yesterday and this morning's weigh in...... I'm 14st 12lbs (going to readjust my ticker to the 15st I went up to and put in the new weight *gulp*). I was a bit miffed I hadn't shed loads - then remembered it hasn't even been a full week yet duh!! So: SCORE :D

Had such a lovely day with Mum yesterday (she'll be up soon) and took all your fabulous advice and just relaxed and let go of all the sibling-crazy..... Once I reminded myself that I love my sisters although they can work on my last natural nerve, I was fine lol

Kira is spot on in that I'd forgotten this has to be 2 weeks of pure selfishness. This is about me, and in channeling Clin and L'Oréal: Because I'm worth it!

So I'm on a roll.... Got to make a full roast today, but have to stand firm. I'm making a big dinner of 'love' for those I adore (& I suppose King Twat can have one roast spud :cool:) so I'll focus on that and sit my butt in the garden and have a shake when they're at the table tucking in :)

I'll try to pop on tonight & thanks for the affirmation and support Bonkers, Jo, FF, Clin, Skydragon, Kira, Vikki, , EVERYONE.... I couldn't come back to this journey and myself without you xx
I love my sis too... But I do feel like thwacking her on the head at times!

Enjoy your long weekend xx
So I'm on a roll.... Got to make a full roast today, but have to stand firm. I'm making a big dinner of 'love' for those I adore (& I suppose King Twat can have one roast spud :cool:) so I'll focus on that and sit my butt in the garden and have a shake when they're at the table tucking in :)
glad the mojo is settling in nicely, thats the choice isn t it? feel bad for a short while in missing out on a lovely dinner and then feel good for a long time or feel good for a short time and suffer the consequences and guilty for a lot longer after the fat paws have hecked their way through all the stuff you shouldn t. you go girl!
Yeah totally agree with sky dragon, so easy to feel deprived but no one forces us to do this, its a positive choice we make for ourselves.

Hope your day 4 was as great as your day 1,2, and 3 Bev!
You're definitely right. When people used to say to me 'Oh sorry you can't have that can you' I would say 'I can have it if I want to but I'm choosing not to just now for the good of my health' It was often said through gritted teeth but it did really help. If I think I can't I rebel - knowing it is my choice is a bit more adult.

Glad you had a better day Bev and glad the scales started moving. I'm back in the 14s after my celebrations but we will soon be seeing the 13s.
Hi Bev, just dropping in to subscribe. Your emotional eating mirrors mine almost exactly... I also overate and built a wall of fat protection from a need to be sexually unattractive, and also for comfort, in my mid twenties, and still get stuck in that cycle when stuff gets hard. I wish I knew the answer to stopping that cycle... I'm hoping being on a VLCD will help by removing food from the equation and forcing me to confront my feelings, rather than smother them in calories. Good luck x

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1:
Hey Bev

How you doing? Did you enjoy the rest of the weekend?

So. I binged like I was going for Olympic Gold!:eek: What the heck is wrong with me? I know better. I've worked my butt off to get this far. And I'm actually embarassed and sick of my own whingeing and bleating - they're all excuses. All. Of. Them. I overate because I'm addicted to comforting and soothing myself with food - well, I'm tired of eating my emotions, internalising my angst, and killing myself with food. I'm tired of it. I want a success story of my own.

I feel your pain. I'm the same.

Back on it today, with the embarrassment of walking into the office today approx a stone heavier than I was 18 days ago when I left, clothes tight, confidence low, all my own doing.

we have to do it this time.

Yes Diamond, we really have to - we've all come too far to give up now!

Welcome Ella! I think it's a common theme for women as a whole to insulate ourselves with a layer of blubber! Well. No more. We get one go at this 'life' gig.... I want to run, jump, fly and tango through it. I had a blip on Monday. Bad blip. Okay. More like an explosion, but I'm oddly not hacked off with myself - I opened the box of appetite. And now that sucker is staying closed!!! We can beat this Wrong Thinking.

Hey Jen, Jo, Clin & Bonkers :) After battling some weird virus (weak, shivering, nauseous) for the last two days, I'm back on my feet.... Touch wood this is the final push to goal - seriously can't afford to keep flushing my cash down the loo, and letting myself down.

How's everyone doing? I'm kind of sick of my own drama :rolleyes: xx
Hi Bev!

Glad you're back and raring to go! I think you just have to see this time as learning, because realistically post plan there will be days or weeks of silliness and stress and learning to get back on track before any drastic action (ie. cambridge) is needed is really important.

What's so hard for me is getting my head around the fact food NEVER makes me feel better, its not a solution to a problem, its something we need to survive, and something to enjoy in moderation, but its not medication.

Try and love yourself and listen to what you really really want now, which is the plan, not the binges.
Hope you are feeling better Bev and I know what you mean about flushing cash down the toilet! I can feel myself wobbling but I am hoping to get through it and look forward to more company on the this treacherous vlcd road it kind of makes it feel less lonely.
I'm in, can we track it so we're more accountable to each other?