Day - 3??4?? -18.45pm
hey guys and hey Jackie!! How are we all doing?'s the weekend!!
Loads of people find this their temptation time. I'm not so bad because I work but.... parents are out and I'm home alone, there is nothing in the cupboards I would consider eating (parents have been atkins for about 6 years only meat) and I REALLY want something yummy to eat!! by yummy I mean not the nice salad, veggies and meat....I mean carbs.....all the carbs in the WORLD are calling to me! Am even considering walking to the shop which is open for another 15 mins to get one of those little dolmio packs of pasta to avoid the washing up and have some pesto.
how warped is that? all because there is no one in? I live myself and I'm not tempted like this!!
whats wrong with me?? total subconscious sabotage!!!

Sharon!! 15lbs. race you?? My weekly weigh in with me is on a Tuesday. it's funny when you're a CDC having a weigh in with yourself.
Muuuuuuussshhhhhrrrrrrrooooooooooms. hahaha. badger badger badger, snake!!! oh it's a snake!!! badger badger badger......have you seen that site? hillarious. maybe I'm just easily amused? I am a ticker genuis aren't I? hee hee.
jackie r - re the boobs.....yup. mine never went down as such. I used to be a 38-40E, now I am a 34F, my back has gone down which resulted in my boobs going up?? hahaha. funny and quite nice in a way....but darn annoying to try and find a nice fitted top and I now look like some sort of weird porno girl unless I have tops up to my neck!!! pretty blue will get into it....may even have to have it taken in??
lashly - how you doing hun?? CDC training is out for the pesky sweeties they put on your table and the dreaded squash with citric acid...i was convinced it was some kind of test.....they put out cake!!!!

chocolate cake at that!!

in the buffet for lunch!! how sadistic is that??
Flopster - how you enjoying the weekend? less stressful?? 14 little lbs to go....nae thats scottish for no problem btw.

Jubbly - I fecken hate youuu!!! how dare you be BMI 23!! I want to be BMI 23!!!!! I think I may have a strop now.seriously, you've done so well....time for the excercise to start up again. You'll get back into it again and love it no doubt.
mandyB2 - how you getting on? surviving!!? you'll be back in the 11's v.soon. I can feel it in my bones. Just squash that chatterbox. silly thing.
anyway....going to make tea before the chatterbox convinces me to walk out the door to the shop!!
hey guys and hey Jackie!! How are we all doing?'s the weekend!!
Loads of people find this their temptation time. I'm not so bad because I work but.... parents are out and I'm home alone, there is nothing in the cupboards I would consider eating (parents have been atkins for about 6 years only meat) and I REALLY want something yummy to eat!! by yummy I mean not the nice salad, veggies and meat....I mean carbs.....all the carbs in the WORLD are calling to me! Am even considering walking to the shop which is open for another 15 mins to get one of those little dolmio packs of pasta to avoid the washing up and have some pesto.
whats wrong with me?? total subconscious sabotage!!!
Sharon!! 15lbs. race you?? My weekly weigh in with me is on a Tuesday. it's funny when you're a CDC having a weigh in with yourself.
jackie r - re the boobs.....yup. mine never went down as such. I used to be a 38-40E, now I am a 34F, my back has gone down which resulted in my boobs going up?? hahaha. funny and quite nice in a way....but darn annoying to try and find a nice fitted top and I now look like some sort of weird porno girl unless I have tops up to my neck!!! pretty blue will get into it....may even have to have it taken in??
lashly - how you doing hun?? CDC training is out for the pesky sweeties they put on your table and the dreaded squash with citric acid...i was convinced it was some kind of test.....they put out cake!!!!
Flopster - how you enjoying the weekend? less stressful?? 14 little lbs to go....nae thats scottish for no problem btw.
Jubbly - I fecken hate youuu!!! how dare you be BMI 23!! I want to be BMI 23!!!!! I think I may have a strop now.seriously, you've done so well....time for the excercise to start up again. You'll get back into it again and love it no doubt.
mandyB2 - how you getting on? surviving!!? you'll be back in the 11's v.soon. I can feel it in my bones. Just squash that chatterbox. silly thing.
anyway....going to make tea before the chatterbox convinces me to walk out the door to the shop!!