MORNING ALL!!!!...ok so it's not morning now but it was when I started writing this!!
Well, saw lovely clients last night. adn then poor freezing cold parents shuffled an hour up the road to steal one of my heaters and have first Mummy weigh in!
She lost 7lbs which I am muchos pleased with for her! But she was a bad mummy and ate a scone and soup last week!! She's such a sucker for scones....eventhough she did atkins for 6 years....the scones/bread kept on getting munched! so she got tutted at for that and told she's not allowed to do that again!! bad mummy!
Friend Kirsty came round yesterday also..her boiler is kaput too!! so another one of my heaters has been lent out but not before watching Robin Hood and having copious amounts of coffee and giggles.
So was a good night, but todays plan is....get delivery of stock again....must do some planning of the design for my materials for dissertation, read my stuff that I must read and make the mad dash to the bank with a scary amount of cash in my purse and hope I don't get mugged(!) and then I am hopping off to Glasgow for some time time with Gavin before I see him on my b'day then he's off to Kazakhstan and around about places on another adventure for 2 weeks! Do they even have email there? Hrm....will just have to wait and see!
MandyB2 - lets not discuss my scales....I'm taking a strop with them those mean scales!!!!!!

no more is a bad thing...must not eat mango, this is my mantra for the week! How are you getting on? I shuffle on and read and I'm sure I read stuff about you, but I forget everything in about 10 secs flat (mind like goldfish me)
Jubbly - MY SPACE!!! booooo!! bebo anyday. darn managers sneaking up, tell me about it...on the odd occassion mine is in she is forever behind me catching me on the net! eek! You're doing good on 790!! Do you like cottage's like 54p a pot....and you eat the whole about 4 quid for cottage cheese for a week and asparagus expensive? sounds posh and expensive to me! maybe you could switch to mushrooms or something? I still save money being on this diet and eating minimal food really.....gawd....if I think about the minimum £3 I spent at uni for lunch each day, plus the random vending machine visits and then breakfast and dinner which may possibly be either....pasta with pesto, or more likely indian take away.....and then at work on the weekend, the constant trips for sweeties cause of the bordom and then lunch...oh...goodness knows how I survived before! I'm sure I spent way more than £50 on stuff, otherwise how did I get so fat to start off with? it certainly wasn't by eating only 3 meals a day of good healthy food!! Was Dinner good???

I know I must chill out....I get sooooooo stressed about all this lark though.....they never made us do it for the last 3 years and suddenly launched it on us and I really don't like it!!! waaaaaah!!

Cheb - hey there!! flippin' wagon eh? hrm....right. What was it that you were aiming for? How are you doing today? I am ok so far, but have only been up for an hour seem to be mid afternoon where things start to go wrong for me....bordom....trying to avoid getting started doing some work and hey presto! dried mango being eaten by the kilo! great! I have extra motivation on 2 fronts now, my mum is 5 inches smallers than me, but she was 10st 11lbs last week and is now 10st 4lbs....and I want to be that small!! mum can do 7lbs in a week, I can darn well try!!! and my clients....I would hate to be getting bigger and bigger for them. I know it is motivational for them to see someone who is in control of their weight....but it's sooo hard!!! I sit and prod all my squidgy bits and stick my tummy out and look at it.

it's that whole close to goal chatterbox thing that is getting to you Cheb!! you want to finish what you have started, so take it 20 mins at a time and think of things to stop the cravings....brushing teeth is quite a good one...eating after that isn't nice! Karions posts are really useful, espeically the one for keeping on track, lots of useful quotes there to think about. Hope you're ok!!
Westhills - Ann, AKA Mother WeMITT!!! hello!! welcome to the thread! you look fabby btw, have seen pictures!! Ann, I am sure you will be fine, you've been super determined all the way through so far!! Last stone is the worst though....goodness knows why because it is the same as all the other stones!!! I'm with you on the 10st front...I am 10st 13lbs (and stuck) and I WILL BE 10st on the dot. It may take me 2 months, but I will get there! So here we go!!!!!!
Sharon - where have you wandered off to? I do read your thread - some blues thingies just been booked, but again, my mind like a goldfish...I forget everything else. Goodness knows how I am going to manage my exams with my brain all scattered like this!! how are you doing hun??
Lashly, Deb, Jackie?? have you all abandoned the last stone mission and jumped ship?
Right....signing off. It is really not decent to be recieving deliveries from a 60 year old man in your dressing gown!!

and I'm a classy laaaaaaady!! hee hee. Plus I've been typing this for ...sheesh...half an hour or something. ah dear!!
Keep truckin'!!