Hello beautiful people! Thankyou for the lovely welcome.
I'm dead jealous of your holiday Maintainer, I'm trying to convince bf to take me away somewhere nice. But alas, the fluttering of my very long mascara painted eyelashes and subtle hints don't seem to be working.
to be honest, I've been thinking about maintainance all the way through this diet. I tend to lose quickly (I really throw myself into things when I do them!) so it has been in my thoughts right from the start. I'm getting sick of the meal replacements, I don't think they're as good as the cambridge ones, so I'm slowly phasing them out (being careful to keep the correct balance of nutrients etc).
When I'm done with 1000, I'll drop the meal replacements and do a 1200 calorie diet, then 1500, and so on. My biggest problem has always been greed - I (being somewhat active) can eat a whole pizza and not put on weight, but I'm greedy and want fries too. So I need to learn to eat smaller portions, and I think my stomach is smaller now anyway!

My diet wasnt too bad before, but I put on a lot of weight through comfort eating after my ex-bf died (a year ago).
I think thats quite enough rambling for me right now (sorry, I do tend to go on a bit!!!)
Hope you all have a wonderful and sucessful evening
Lots of Love, Ida xxx
PS I'm 155cm without heels (ssh, dont tell anyone) so my target weight will give me a smashing BMI of 23.