The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Oooh a woodburner - those are very popular here in the winter. I'd love one, but I live in a flat (as most people do in the cities here) and have no chimney :( I'm sure my ferret would find a way to maim himself on it if I had one! lol

Weight loss seems to be two steps forward, one step back often. So even if it is temporary, it's still on its way down, if you understand what I mean?

I hope you gete everything sorted you need to. I'm sure it'll all be fine in the end, things like plays and what not are often quite chaotic in my expierence, but everything seems to fall into place in the end!

I haven't really introduced myself, have I? (thinking about the where do you work question!):) My name's Ida (duh), I'm 22 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes (this is starting to sound like a personal ad!), dwarfish in stature (but I love it). My days go with uni (medical student), work (nursing part time), my boyfriend (who I share this sty with), and my zoo. When I say zoo, I have 5 rats, a ferret, and around 20 mice (they're bred for ferret food, but get a very nice life until they're eaten). :)

The rats managed to escape yesterday by gnawing through some.. uh.. whats it called.. that cardboardy woody stuff (hardboard maybe?), and the next thing i know there were rats all over the living room! I love my ratties, and they are allowed to run around the living room once in a while, but the ferret was loose too (he doesn't have a cage), and that really could have been a bloodbath! The lazy sod was asleep though, and didnt even wake up when one of the rats ran over him :D Bless.

I can't really think of anything else relevant to say, apart from I hope you all have a fantabulous day, and thankyou so much for the warm welcome
Lots of love

PS electrican is coming tomorrow to swap all sockets out with some newer fancier ones :O I'd better get tidying and emptying ferret litter boxes! Lol, the fun never ends
Lovely to be introduced properly ida... those rats, mice and ferret sound "interesting"... the only rat I've ever seen was in the country and I screamed!!

I'm 43, blonde and copper (chemically assisted!) coloured, shortish bobbed hair, and I'm a bilingual legal secretary. I have a 16 month old cat, and 3 month old kitten - half sisters - both "rescued" from the streets in the country, and a friend and neighbour of mine has their almost 2 year old Mum and 6 month old other half sister. Poor "Mum" had three litters (two in the wild, one in my friend's flat!) and we've let her keep one from each litter this way. She's very happy now in a flat with regular meal times.

Litter box emptying is also a fun part of my morning, particularly as the kitten thinks PLAY TIME as soon as I pick up a plastic bag... I've had the poos and stones all over the bathroom floor more than once, little rascal!

Sorry to hear that you didn't have a good day Claire, yet the scales are singing nice songs to you at least. As for people not returning calls, that IS infuriating! It means that your "to do" list stays the same length and really does wind me up! I finally got hold of the elusive plumber in the country who promised faithfully to come to service our boiler in September. I pinned him down to next Friday and hope upon hope that he sticks to his word!
Pet rats are actually lovely - I was sceptical too. They're very socialable, and eagerly seek attention, very cute. Manky tails though. They're also amazingly intelligent and have outsmarted us on several occasions! The ferret is cute, but not quite as smart - he's a real klutz (imagine a drunk cat and you'll get the picture.. not many glasses left anymore!!!!). Ferrets resemble kittens in behaviour generally, so I guess you know the feeling of overenthusiatic play! lol. I'd love to have a cat, but circumstances dont permit it.

Ferrets aren't 'clean' animals like cats are, you have to train them to use the litterbox (my ferret has a "hit" rate of around 95%, most are prob 80-90%). So once in a while I find a little surprise in the corner. Ferret poo doesnt stink (at least in comparison to cats poo!) so it's not all that bad. Sane people keep them in cages, I have mine running around causing havoc, and I take him for walks in the park too.

I think thats quite enough about poo for one day.

What languages do you speak? I love learning languages, but have no time at the moment, boohoo. :(

Think I'll mosey on into the bedroom and take a nap.

Much love,
Ida xxx
I only speak French, I'm afraid... anything I learned about the German language way back when is now long forgotten!

Bedroom? Nap? That sounds like an excellent idea... My natural body clock wakes me up VERY early in the mroning, but if ever I can have an hour's sleep after lunch (I'm thinking next week at the house!), YES!! Sleep well!
I really can't sleep during the day, it messes me up completely. Nor can I lie in in the mornings, so if I get a lot of late nights I am grouchy for weeks. I'm 5'4.5", brown haired (with grey which I try to hide) and 49 (and not going to have any more birhdays). I live with my husband David and our german shepherd cross Cassie who is nearly 13 and very slow-moving these days. So no litter tray cleaning out for me but quite a few short walks.

Rats are very intelligent, but I'm not keen on the tails and the scurrying. Ferrets are fun, my nephew used to keep them and they had the sweetest babies. Do show us pictures of yur menagerie.

Fingers crossed your plumber keeps his word, Joanne. I'm lucky with ours because he lives in my home village and I have known his wife's family since we were kids.
Good morning beautiful miniminers!
The sun is shining (in an hr, it's still dark), the air is clear (and icy) and it's going to be a lovely day!

I like the 'never going tohave eny more birthdays idea' hehe. Electrician will be here soon - why does thier day start at between 6-7am? It's ridiculous (I'm up anyway, but my poor poor bf :( ).

My scales said 60,8kg this morning - 9st 8lb. BUT yesterday i hopped on them and they said 56,8kg, then 55,6kg (I was dead happy! haha) until I noticed that they were standing badly :( So am gonna take it from here now

I hope you all have a wonderful day, no internet for today due to no power, so I'll love you and leave you

Love Ida xxx
Morning idaj and what a disappointment on the scales! hope you didn't get too carried away with yesterday's reading; that's some fluctuation! darned carpets!!

Scales fairly stable this morning too, marginally up on yesterday but translation into pounds is the same! I'll TRY to be vigilant on holiday but know myself only too well... grr!

Leaving office in 3 hours so hope you both have a good week... see you Monday 5th!
Morning all, TGIF and all that. My scales stayed the same this morning too, and it was an UD yesterday so I am happy - only a pound and a half over goal. I'm promising myself a gentle day, not feeling too good, and I have to go to see the play tonight as well as being on the door. I've been wearing my recently purchsed size 10 trousers the last couple of evenings and they are a bit on the loose side! No way am I an 8, what on earth is happening to clothes sizes.

Ida, what an annoying thing with the scales, the are such temperamental things. Mine can weigh very differently depending on where they are so I keep them in a very specific position in the bathroom. I hope the electrician gets things sorted out quickly. Have a great weekend.

Joanne, have a fantastic holiday, fingers crossed the scales don't get too excited. Enjoying your hard earned time away is more important than reaching goal a couple of weeks earlier. I wish I was able to plan a holiday but until we know more on the possible installation job I can't pick dates.
Morning - officially no loss this week (sniff) but I'm not greatly concerned. I was lower than expected last week so it averages out OK. I tried on some jeans from last time I was a reasonable size and I can actually wear a couple of them. The other two are still at the "don't try to sit down" stage, including my favourite snakeskin print ones, maybe another couple of pounds will see them usable.

Ida, I hope you've got power back, having no internet connection has me climbing the walls.
Good morning all, hope you're having a lovely morning.

Claire: In reality it's about what you fit into and how you look, not about the number on the scale, but thats easy to forget. Snakeskin trousers sound awesome, I'm looking forward to daring to wear that kinda thing myself! :)
My scales are pretty stationary at the moment, recording a 200g loss this morning. It's pretty frustrating losing this kilo again, but its only a kilo (2.2lbs) so it's not the end of the world.

Electricians have been, taken over the house and gone, and sorted our deathtrap fabric insulated wiring out, swapped all sockets/fittings for new ones, and put a load of new sockets/lights in, so that's nice.

Plans for today are a bit of shopping, I need to pop by the opticians, buy ferret a collar maybe, boyfriend needs to buy a map of europe - he's going on a driving holiday next week and I might be coming with him for the last few days - fly to bratislava and then drive up. We'll see!

Need to make a list of things to do when I get to goal as well, and a budget.

Have a fabby day, lots of love, ida xxx
Hi - a quick greeting!

Hope you're all having a great evening. It's cold here, and my man is out in the car trying to fit an invertor :S Brrrr!

I was out shopping earlier, and believe it or not, I fit into a size 36 dress - and it wasnt all that tight either (apart from over the boobalage - I'm blessed from nature's side with a D cup :S). Size 36 is a size 10 waist and size 8 hips/boobs (the sizes are a bit different here and reflect the build of scandinavian girls). So that was a minor victory! My goal is size 34 - size 8 waist and size 6 hips/boobs - I'm so little that the small sizes dont mean i'm a stick. They're always too long as well - made for a height of 164-174cm :(

Anyways, that was all, I'll go back to munching my quorn and trying to prevent the boy from maiming himself too badly! lolol.

Love Ida xxx
Hi, very quick dash past from me - it has been an ultra busy day and I am just browsing briefly while the veggies steam. Sounds like you have a difficult time finding clothes to fit, big boobs are nice sometimes but can be a nightmare when clothes shopping. I'm somewhere between 12-14 on top, then a 10 or smaller waist and 10 hips by current clothes standards.

It's good to know your wiring is safe again, I know someone whose house burned down through faulty wiring (mice got in and chewed it up). That European trip sounds interesting, Austria is the furthest East I have travelled. Do you get cheap flights to Bratislava? We live about 60 miles from Ryanair's hub at Stansted and sometimes take advantage of really cheap trips, it costs more to park than to fly! Who will look after the zoo while you are away?

Hope the car was fixed easily, have a fun evening.
A lovely morning here, makes a change after the grey weekend. I haven't quite adjusted to the change of hour yet, still waking early. Scales were OK this morning, up a pound on Saturday but a rise is usual after the UDs of the weekend and a pound isn't bad at all. So I am at my lowest Monday weight since I went on holiday, and hoping for a good week.

We have to take our dog to the vet this morning, she is due a check-up for her arthritis meds. We have just changed vets, our last ones had changed hands and couldn't keep staff, always a bad sign, so we have changed to one nearer to home. I am a bit worried Cass will have to have dental treatment, I would really rather she had as little trauma as possible at her age but of course I don't want her in pain.

Have a good day.
Hello again. We had a successful vet's visit, the new vet was really nice and said Cassie's teeth are good for her age. I've got a lot of work on today and a pantomime rehearsal tonight so it will be rather non-stop.

The scales were OK this morning, a bit twitchy but I seem to be back down again. That's the annoying thing about JUDDD, it is never quite what it seems. I did eat a little more than I should have yesterday, it is hard to count calories in home cooked food as I tend to mix in all sorts of stuff I have around.

How are you getting on Ida, did the car get fixed? And have you decided when you are going away?
Sat at school doing biochemistry reports - am off to a rescusitation course in an hour. The boyfriend left yesterday, drove down, and I got a message at 3am last night that the car had broken down! Sounds like the transmission is gone. My ticket is bookd, so I hope he gets it fixed.

Yesterday was a crappy day all round. School, course (crap), then my bus didnt come, I missed the connecting bus and had to walk 5km home in the pouring rain. And then just as I sat down with my laptop, the power went out! Very rare here, but the neighbours were all very nice to each other, which was lovely to see.

Weight is going SLOWLY down. I'm getting impatient. I know how you feel claire!

Claire: It's always great finding a good vet. Some just dont seem to care, and some are wonderful. It's a blessing to find a vet you (and Cassie!) trust.

Good luck with the pantomime rehearsal!! :)

*wanders off to shout "HEART ATTACK IN ROOM 4" "CLEAR" "300 V CHARGING" at random people etc.blergh. *

Love Ida xx
Well, that course was great fun. If any of you get the chance to come on a first aid course do it, and if you havent done it for a while, get a refresher. 30 compressions, 2 breaths is the latest guidelines.

Scales are down to 59.5kg this morning. Thats a major milestone for me, under 60kg - last time i was this weight was around christmas 2005. So only 10lbs (4.5kg to go)! I'm going to go and buy my last meal replacements today, that'll get me through the weekend, and then I never have to eat them again.

Bit of background: my bf committed suicide just over a year ago - I found him hanging there, but he was dead when I found him, so the CPR didnt help.

But the point being, I got very depressed (duh) because of it (I lost my home and all), and developed social anxiety disorder. And a larger tummy ;) The wonderful thing is,I can feel my social anxiety disappearing with every kilo, and people in my groups at uni have been so nice to me - I've been invited out and about, and thats a huge thing for me.

I don't dare say no, as I don't know if they'll invite me again, so it's going to be a mega busy week, with exam thursday, beer thursday evening, school friday, flight to bratislava friday, weekend away, school monday, course monday evening and then some kinda of social thing monday night. Then I'm working from 3pm-11pm tues-thurs on top of school! Hopfully all that running around will be reflected on the scales!!! :)

So a positive start to the day, I think (very reflective in any case), even though I'm skiving a lecture at the moment (bad ida!).

Hope you're all well, sorry to ramble on so much

Lots of love Ida xxx
Hi Ida, your post brought me to a total standstill, what a horrendous experience. Just beyond imagining, and all the guilt that goes with it, it must have been so tough You sound remarkably sanguine now, I do admire the way you have taken control of your life again, the bad things never go away completely but life moves on.

what a rotten day you had yesterday, why do these things all come at once? I hope your bf's car gets fixed, I assume you are on the mainland if you can just drive down to Europe. Sounds like you have some fun times ahead, if hectic.

Good to hear the scales are moving downwards for you, how wonderful to know the replacement meals will soon be out of the way for ever (I hated them). I'm the same weight again today, which is good after an UD. I'm thinking that it will be a week and a half until I see the magic figure on the scales, but I've been thinking that for so long that I no longer care much. The last bit of weightloss always seems very slow, I think in my case because I have been trying to get my intake back to normal gradually, it would be too depressing to reach the weight I want to be and then suddenly leap up again as soon as I released the diet constraints.
Hello Folks

Had an absolutely stunning wedding day - was perfect. Not a very good narrator (cant spell it either!) so please see pics on:

Public Album

and some honeymoon pics on:

Public Album

Ate loads, had loads of fun - put weight on but enjoyed every mouthful and every minute of it!!!!

Tasha you look absolutely gorgeous, and soooo slim. How come there are no swimsuit pics of you? If you can't put on weight on honeymoon then when can you, plenty of time to get it off again now you're back. Lovely to hear it all went so well, looks like the kids had a brilliant time too.

Ida, you've probably left by now but have a fantastic time anyway.

I'm a bit fed up because the scales leapt up this morning, but I am feeling rather bloated so hopefully it will drop again in the morning. There is a french market in town today so I will be tempted by fresh pains au chocolat, no point in keeping them and no way I can say I'll buy them tomorrow instead. So not a very restricted DD for me I'm afraid. Today promises to be very busy, so many bits and pieces to get done, and a panto rehearsal this evening.
Tashy: I love your dress, you look so elegant and beautiful. But the thing that struck me most was how happy you look. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures with us.

Clairejen: I forgot to ask, how did the last rehearsal go?
Good luck tonight, and if you do buy the pains au chocolat, enjoy every last morsel for me ;)

I'm off later, just fixing up the last bits and pieces. I passed my exam (as did everyone in my class) and they said I was very good (yay!). So now I'm qualified nursing thingumy. Afterwards we went out to a bar, and for the first time since starting, I cheated, and couldn't say no to the shots people came with for me. Luckily I'd cycled a lot forward and back, but needless to say, I consumed maybe 500-800 (lost count) extra calories, got slightly drunk, but still lost 100g when i checked this morning.

I should probably get going, start sorting out bits and pieces and packing (it's only a weekend away, so I'm just taking a rucksack, an extra t-shirt and some underwear)

Take care all, and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Love Ida xxx